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Photoshop won't save edited JPEG

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I have been working in Photoshop CS on my Powerbook G4 - with no problems. As of yesterday I can't

save edits to any JPEG files, but can to TIFF's. I've checked preferences, file handling, ran a repair on

disc permissions, checked problem with files from different drives and previously worked on JPEGS -

still no luck.


Any ideas on why this is happening? Thanks...

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#1 First of all, did you add any software whatsoever to your G4,

possibly any of Apple's or Adobe's software upgrades?<p>


#2 Have you tried getting rid of PSCS's prefs file?<p>


#3 Have you tried using <b>Save As...</b><p>


Do you know that each and every time you save/resave a jpeg file that you are degrading the image file?<p>


<b>JPEG</b> is a lossy compression algorithm.<br>


Which means that each and every time it's used <i>(in saving/resaving a file),</i><br>


it removes information/data/pixels from the image file.<p>


You might save your files in TIFF format, and use the LWZ option, a lossly compression algorithm, to reduce the size of the image file.<p>

LWZ is what Stuffit uses to compress file size.<p>


When saving files, not saving them with an icon or preview will also keep the file size small.<b>

This can be set in <b>File Saving Options</b> in PSCS's preferences.<p>



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