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Summilux sharpness...


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Well, I just developed and printed my first roll ow B&W film that was

done with my new 25mm Sumilux 1.4 ASPH on my MP and I must say that I

haven't seen such sharp images for a logn time (if ever). These were

simple 4x6 prints... test roll nothing more and I was impressed (for

the lack of a better word). Before I mounted Sumilux i shot aobut 1/2

of the roll with mu VC 35mm Ultron 1.7 ASPH. The difference is fairly

noticable. I knew that Leica glass was good but I was unprepared for

such high quality of sharpenss.

My buddy who primarily uses digital SLR was simply blown away when he

saw those photos. He couldn't belive it:)

Way to go Leica:)

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4X6 prints normally do not reveal differences between two fine lenses, at least that has been my experience, I do not believe that I can tell the difference between 35 ASPH and another 35mm lens costing 20x less based on 4x6 prints. Now with a 16x20 high quality B&W print, that would be a different story



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My apologies, Jerry. Seems I misunderstood your comment, since I sometimes see people on this forum poke fun at others who make a mistake, or ask questions that some might consider basic or silly. And BTW, I'm no expert, but am slowly learning, as there are also some very knowledgeable and generous members on this forum.
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I too was impressed with the sharpness of the asph. lux, but at the time I saw an advantage only at the wider stops.So I sold it with some small regrets. My summaron had more the look I was after, but of course now I�m without that biting wide open 1.4 sharpness. So, if you don�t mind carrying around the size,the viewfinder blockage with the hood,the expense and you love shooting low light, then it�s a great modern lens.
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