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Saul Leiter 'Early Color'

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Leiter's work was done, considerably, earlier in the '50s and I think his praises should be sung too. End of rant.


Why? what has the time factor got to do with anything.Are folks from a earlier time lesser beings....perhaps they have smaller brains.....is it a evolution thing or something?


His work seems pretty mundane to me.....is his he famous, should i worship?

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boris c han , jul 08, 2006; 01:35 p.m.

Don't jump to conclusions Trevor, it could have been his IQ score.


My my not very kind, Boris. Seeing that he could buy and sell most folks on this forum......


Perhaps he's got a IQ of common sense sadly lacking in this forum,don't you think.

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"Why? what has the time factor got to do with anything.Are folks from a earlier time lesser

beings....perhaps they have smaller brains.....is it a evolution thing or something?


His work seems pretty mundane to me.....is his he famous, should i worship?"


If you thought that I was inferring that people from an earlier age were lesser beings I

wouldn't bother worshipping anything. I think you just need a few in lessons in basic

English comprehension.

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How 'bout Evelyn Hofer, Thurston Hopkins, Robert Doisneau, Roger Maynes, Lartigue, Jakob Tuggener and, of course, Saul Leiter's 'Early Color'?


To be honest,Andrew, i'm a bit of a ignoramus, not like yourself. I'll have a look at all of them and tell you what i think.


To be honest, i thought you were going to invite to a sing song, you being into worship and all that.


I've got a rather nice Tenor voice.

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Allen, we're not going down that route. Life's far too short for such cheap point scoring. As I

said before, you're the one who brought up the term 'worship', no one else.


The photgraphers I mentioned are snappers I happen to think are pretty interesting. Full

stop. You may derive some pleasure from looking at their work, you may not. That's all there



Now, I could tell you the secret of the world's best gin & tonic......

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You've owned the book for a couple of weeks, at least, now. Still like it? For 23 odd quid, on

Amazon, I think it's great.


I've got some friends who are trying to work out whether they can afford one of Leiter's prints

from his exhibition in NY. I fear it's going to be silly money.

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You may derive some pleasure from looking at their work


That well be the case,Andrew. Thanks for the names.


I was just thinking,Trevor,and myself get together once a month for a bit of sing along. Sometimes Another(Robert Appleberry)Bob joins in when he is in the country.


Hey, unless you have heard Roberts rendering of 'Those In Peril Of The Sea ' you have not lived...


Give us a shout.

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Allen, it is with a heavy heart that I must confess that I have an awful singing voice.


I wished it wasn't the case but there you go. Nevertheless, I'd be happy to join in ( my voice

can be VERY loud) with one of your singalongs. However, I haven't put a roll of film through

my M3 in months. Am I still invited?


I could sing "There is a green hill, far far away (in Primrose Hill)".

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