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Fuji Frontier-350 problem

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I have some problems with digital prints on Fuji Frontier-350 minilab.

On all prints magenta colors are more strong than on my monitor. Some

magenta colors is oversaturated and don't fit in the gamut of paper.

Paper is Kodak Professional. So some semitones is lost. At same time

prints from Noritsu qss-3000 are "nornmal". All colors as on my

monitor. What is happens with my shots in Fuji Frontier-350 machine?

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My first question to the 350 lab operator would be "Is the Fuji's printing process using any kind of color correction". You would not want any further color corrections done to the image once they have been processed on your computer. I am assuming that you are using some sort of photo editting software like Photoshop or the like.


Also is you monitor calibrated. I am assuming it is as you state the Noritsu prints match so therefore that would lead me to believe you have some control on color management.


Do the prints that don't have any or much magenta look correct from the 350 printer. Could be the Fuji Frontier is a bit out of adjustment if this only has happened to you once. If it is an ongoing trend, talk to the operator and see if they are knowledgable enough to help. Show them the Noritsu prints as a reference so they can see the deisred results.


Hope this helps,



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Thanks for answer, Gene!

I am tuning the monitor by the software not by colorimeter. Oversaturated of magentas is a trend. I see it on all my prints from Frontier-350 (edited in Photoshop and not edited).


Noritsu give me stable good results. But lab with Frontier prints my shots during 10 minutes. Lab with Noritsu prints shots during 24 hours.


Operator in lab with Frontier couldn't answer on my question about profile for this machine. I want to get it and use on my computer.

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I would say the problem is the Kodak paper. I've used half a dozen different Frontiers over

the last few years, two different pro labs, and Long's, Walmart, Costco, etc. They've ALL

used Fuji paper, whether Fuji Professional paper, or the standard Crystal Archive.


Kodak paper in the Frontier? Ugghh.

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When a digital file is loaded into a Frontier, it automatically applies an image

correction software that Fuji calls "image intelligence." Should be more like "screws

up color and contrast and blows out the highlghts of your image - intelligence."

Seriously, it works pretty well for your typical underexposed point and shoot image

from your average consumer, but from a customer with a properly balanced file, it is

a disaster. Ask them to turn off all corrections, including image intelligence. When a

file is loaded, it is automatically applied, so they need to load the files and then

highlight them all and uncheck "Image Intelligence." If that doesn't fix it, and your

monitor is properly calibrated, (as it appears to be from the Noritsu prints) then

they've got a major issue somewhere, be it proper paper channel upkeep or




<a href="http://www.jakeholtphotography.com">jakeholtphotography.com</a>

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Thanks, Scott. I was also wondered why lab use Kodak paper. I don't know answer on this question.


Jake, thanks for your answer. I always ask operator to not correct my shot. But he always press key combinations after my file opens. After this operation shot becomes bright. I'll try to explain the method of "image intelligence" for him.

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