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keychain 110 camera

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I was recently given a 110 Camera that is only a lens with a winder ... the

cartrage is the rest of the camera. It leaks light like hell and it is great if

you put a glove over it in the right places.... 110 is a great format if you

can get good processing .. I have a few 110 SLRs so I know. I also shoot 16mm

with Minoltas and Kievs the problem is the only films that are made in 110 are

Kodak 400 and 200 and Solaris 200 that is the old 3m 100. I can reload slit

film in 1 of my SLR's because it does not rely on the film notch to set the

shutter but I still love the format. I want all of you to pull out your 110s

and play with them.





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What are you doing for scanning? Are you having them scanned at the time of development or are you doing it yourself? I have a Minolta Mark II but I have been thinking about getting something smaller to shoot the 110 I have in the freezer. What do you enjoy shooting?


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I have a Pentax Auto 110 which takes pretty amazing snapshots...I use the Kodak film mostly (in plentiful supply in the expired bins for a buck or less) and trim the tab so that the camera reads the speed correctly. I send tthe film to Sav-On or Walgreens for processing...it costs 3 dollars for single prints. It is the cheapest and best snapshot camera to use. One complaint is that there is no shutter lock, so the camera goes off in my pocket sometimes. I am a big fan of the Minolta 16, but the film issues pushed them into retirement. My stash of Minolta 16 cartridges have been re-loaded a few too many times and scarch the film up quite a bit. I am always in search of the great good pocket (film) camera.
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Yes they are Kiev carts. They will not work with the Minoltas because they are designed to hold longer rolls of film but the Minolta carts will work on the Kiev. I re felted the Minolta carts and they work fine in both types of cameras. but I just now use them in my Minoltas because I have 15 Kiev cartrages and that is more than plenty.



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