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A lens debate, AAAAArgh!


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I have about $500 to spend on a lens. Here is what is currently in my bag:


Canon 20D

Canon 70-200mm f/4

Canon 18-55mm (kit lens)

Canon 50mm f/1.8


The lens that is glaring at me to be 'upgraded' is the 18-55. I would like to

do this but I have reached a quandry. I like the looks, on paper at least, of

the 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS but the reviews I have read seem to be luke warm at

best (and I am a little leary of that f/3.5, I was hoping for better with $500)

I have seen this lens reviewed against the Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro DF

and the Sigma did well and even beat the canon lens in some areas. As you can

see from the 'whats in my bag' section, I don't really have much sigma

experience. I was wondering if there are any of you, with a lens in the range I

have stated, could lend me your advice.



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What angle of view do you want? Even 24mm on your camera is not very wide. And, do you want the IS?


My opinion is that there are some really good bargians, optically speaking, in the 28-80mm range. The Tamron 28-75 is good. The Tokina 28-70mm is also supposed to be good. They are both well within your budget. But, they're not very wide and they don't have IS.


Since you already have the 70-200mm and the 50mm, I'd go for something like the Tamron 17-35mm (pretty good), or the Canon 17-40mm - if you can stretch your budget.


There are also all the ~18-50mm f/2.8 dedicated APS-C lenses from various manufacturers to consider - if you have bought-in to the system for the long-haul.

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I've got a 28-135 and it is a good walk about lens. the 3.5 does not matter when you combine the IS and the 20D's high ISO settings. Actually I upgraded to teh 28-80L when I did some wedding work and was willing to sell the lens for less than 400$. Email me if you're interested.


but if you wanted fast, light and a good bang for your buck for 500$ go for the primes: 85/1.8 and the 24 or 28 even the 20. I've got the 20mm and it works well on the 20D but I'm a tele guy rather than wide angle. you could get two or more lenses for 500$.

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the sigma lens (the one we got) was good, I like it it isn't a real 'macro' but it gets pretty close to your subject matter. it is wide ish.. but not WIDE, for a real wide lens something like the sigma 12-24 might be more appropriate. or any of the many other wide options out there. I have a 20d and am looking to get a wider lens than 24mm for some applications.
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Unless you never use the wide end of that 18-55, you'll probably want something that

covers that wide range, especially on the crop sensor 20D.


There is a new (but expensive) EF-S lens that covers this range. (17-55?)


However with the existing 50mm f/1.8 and the 70-200mm f/4 you are a third of the way

to a very common setup - just add the 17-40mm at the wide end. Lots of people really on

just this set of three lenses.



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Dang, dang, dang! Its always the same with canon; decide what you want to do, set up a budget, the realize its going to cost 20% more than you anticipated to do what you knew you were going to have to do in the first place ;-) It looks like the 17-40 is the way to go. Hearing you all sound out your thoughts here has been tremendously helpful...and your conclusions always seemed to drift toward the obvious. Now, besides the extra $180, I am going to need a good divorce attorney. I am looking for one in the $500 range to that will cover all my divorce needs...what? It's going to be more than that?!



Thanks, thanks, thanks!

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The 17-40/4L is a good choice. I shot with the 17-40/4L; 50/1.8; 70-200/4L for about a year (before upgrading AGAIN).


The 17-85/IS is a nice choice. . .more usability with a slight quality hit.


If you want faster than F4 lenses -> then you need to go prime. The 35/2 and 24/2.8 are both good choices. (I shot those lenses before getting the 17-40/4L)

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For wide-angle on my XT, I went from the 18-55 to the 17-85 IS, and then recently replaced that with the Tamron 17-50/2.8.


I replaced the 17-85 IS mainly it was simply too slow for dance photography. I haven't yet developed a fondness for the Tamron.


Canon: it's not too late to slip a stellar 20/2.8 replacement into the Photokina announcements!

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You have 2 zoom choices 17-85 IS lens and 17-40. The 17-85 has longer reach and IS and is pretty decent when stopped down.


17-40 is optically better but is still just 4.0(for landscape u really do not need anything faster)


Re-reading your post, u think f3.5 is too slow. If that is the case, best is to get 2 primes and keep the kit lens u have -- 2 good primes are 24 f2.8 and 35 f2.0

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