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attack via craigslist post - what to do?


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hi folks - I probably need to talk to you a lawyer about this, but I wanted to

ask: what would you do if someone who you never met or had any transaction with

starts to post false and malicious statements against you?


This is happening to me now, unfortunately - a sample is below.


After an email discussion that went sour, this guy started to post things on

craigslist where I advertise. The worst part about it is that he is posting to

my future area - Philadelphia - which is where I'm going to move this summer.


He has posted around 9 ads in the last 48 hours - both in Washington DC (where I

am moving from) and Philadelphia (where I am moving to) - and in multiple

categories. I feel like my work is under attack for no good reason.


Any thoughts on how I should handle this? I wrote a post defending myself (link

also below).


I guess I'm just looking for a bit of people to say - 'buck up, chum!' this has

been pretty deflating to me.


here's the post:





Reply to: serv-175913097@craigslist.org

Date: 2006-06-27, 8:35AM EDT



watch out folks. dont give this guy any job. it is a ripe off. not enought

experience, and a scammer.



and here is my defense:




happy to hear from anyone who knows how to make lemonade out of lemons.



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I had a similar circumstance in another profession and I contacted a lawyer. Basically he said I could send a letter telling him to take it down. Before I could sue for damages or anything else really I had to be able to prove loss (I.e. find a non client that said I didn't hire you because..." ) In short I spent a small fortune (on the lawyer) and no one but me really ever noticed.


My suggestion is that you email the site and ask them to take it down and see what happens.

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First of all it looks like the messages were sent from in morse code or from an old timey

telegraph. And it also looks like English either isn't his first language or is extremely

unreliable given that he can't spell "con" or "ripoff," or even "enough."


Either way, I'd give very little credence to these posts if I were a potential customer.


Secondly, it would seem that unless he can prove what he has written, he has comitted

libel and might be in for some damages if you chose to pursue that. But I'm a doctor not a



I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep or energy on it.

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Conrad, i would definitely contact craigslist. i think they are good about flagging and taking down posts. Hopefully, this guy's energy would wear off and he'd eventually stop. If you are sure who it is (if they have used their handle) or if craigslist knows, you could tell both craigslist and the person, you plan to pursue legal advice to sue for slander.


Also, if you are going to bother to respond to him in craigslist, I would say a bit more, or something clearer than the lemons statement.


Just curious what p'd them off?

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The owner of Craigslist is Craig, and he's a very open and accessable person (He's a real person in the SF Bay Area with about 6 employees and wants to keep his site clean). Why not try to contact him directly, post a link to this thread, and ask him to help you?


These things happen, and can't always be avoided, but Craig may be able to help you. At least, the Craigslist posts only last about a week.

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Conrad, I just went to the philadelphia forum and saw your recent post which I think is excellent. Also, I couldn't see any posts from this person, so it looks they are being appropriately flagged. You may have to just keep your eye out for it for a bit. I would, though if it were me, see if craig sends a personal warning and could send a message via you about your thoughts of contacting an attorney about this. That may scare them off.
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I'm sorry that jerk was doing that to you! It's scary, weird and frustrating that he's doing it, but at least the Craig's list people took it down. I think your response was professional and positive. Hopefully you'll get some job leads from it, anyway!


I know some people mentioned suing him, but since he's an anonymous poster, it will be very hard to determine who he actually IS. I suppose if he keeps up the attack, the Craig's list people might be willing to trace his IP address (can't they do magical things like that??) and find him out for you, but I sure hope it doesn't need to go that far!


good luck,


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I'm sure it's frustrating but being accused of being a "ripe off" and a

"cone artist" is pretty funny.


I had a guy accuse me of being a clam recently. I really had no idea what he meant by it

but I thought it was pretty funny.

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Conrad, I think the tone of your reply was judged to perfection. You have given the impression of being a reasonable and tolerant person who has a good reputation to defend. Your abuser comes across as frankly unhinged. I dare say it will die a natural death in a week or two.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Conrad, I am glad the situation is improving for you. I was concerned about your post because it republished the accusations. Such republication has been raised from time to time as a defense to defamation even when purpose was to counter the allegations. The theory is that if publication is harmful, the victim cannot complain if he likewise publishes the accsations.


The remark about proabaly needing to speak to a lawyer is good advice for the future.

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