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How do I shoot infrared IR on a Nikon Coolpix 8700?


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I bought a COKIN Series A INFRARED 89b A007 Filter and took the accompanying

shot with it with the camera set on automatic mode.


Since taking it, several people have said it looks too dark and asked if I had

my camera set to IR mode?


Is there an IR mode on the Coolpix 8700 - I can't find one.


If there isn't, can you advise me what settings to use?





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looks like your camea exposed for the sun. The IR filter steps down your lens a lot. you could compensate by at leat 2 stops. Or go fully manual. Look at your lcd when you are done. bracket.

If youcan, manually white balance on a patch of green (leaves, grass...). that will give you very pleasing results... Black and white might look better for that kind of shot. nick.

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Did you do any post processing on this pic? With an infrared filter I would have expected a deep red picture which could then be post processed into a more familiar looking infrared picture.

If you did post process it you can always lighten it a bit.

By some chance did you have a UV filter on the camera and then stack

the infrared filter on top of it? I have found this doesnt work

(I am just now exporing IR photography do bear with me). Also,

I do not have any hands on with your camera either. Again, every IR picture I ever took with my IR filter looks deep red straight from the camera. Only via post processing can I turn it into a IR looking picture.

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I actually have had no experience whatsoever of IR. All I did was:


1. Put the filter on the camera.

2. Set coolpix 8700 to Black and White mode.

3. Set it to automatic.

4. Took the shot - 5 exposure (-2.0, -1.0, 0, +1.0, +2.0)

5. Assembled into an HDR with Photomatix.

6. Tonemapped.


I didn't realise you are actually supposed to take the shot in colour.


Can anyone please give me an idi0t's guide to how to take one properly and how to post process it. Simply assume I am an idi0t ;o)


Really appreciate all the help guys - as you can see, I need it.



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Heres a website that I used. The same principles apply to you except you'll be using the 8700. There are many great tutorials on the web just google "digital infrared potography".


And yes, you do want to shoot in color and it helps if your post

processing software has "channels" that allow individual adjustment of the re, green, and blue channels. Search the web and try it out.

It may seem difficult but I was surprised at how easy it really is.

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Thanks for that Simon. I've got Photoshop CS1 and that definitely has channels.


So I'll have 3 channels to play with. Do I keep the image in RGB, fiddle with each of the 3 channels until I think it'll look okay then convert it to B&W?


I think you forgot to include the link to the pages you were refering to.

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