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Pictures of Digital M. ( No Joke )

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Is it always required to be so rude when someone posts a thread? Not

everyone checks out this place so often, that they might not miss a thread from

two weeks ago. I hadn't seen the MD thread, and was interested to find the

link to Leica World on the RFF> If some of the people here act like this in

everyday life, I'm surprised they don't get thumped once a week. <p>

All this means is that people won't bother to post anything. Last night I posted

a link to some beautiful new Salgado photos. What's the first comment:

"Salgado doesn't use Leicas". So, if a photographer who starts out using

Leicas switches to another brand, we airbrush him out of history? <p>

On UK TV there was a celebrated miserable old curmudgeon called Victor

Meldrew. They tried exporting the programme to the US but it wasn't a hit.

Perhaps because being a miserable old sod is so common that it wasn't worth


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Paul, this is the internet. Worse, this is PN. Get over it. Or get over to rff.com.


Also, curmudgeon is a very accurate description. For those who complain a lot. Eh, Paul?


I'm perfectly happy with PN. I think it's a great forum.

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Jorge did come over a bit triumphalist with his little dig at PN people thinking

rangefinderforum was gray. And then he attempts to scoop us with a really old story run in

a magazine weeks ago. He deserved the 'dissing' in my opinion.

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The interview is new stuff. New stuff for me, anyway. So I appriciate this posting from Jorge.


Lord, I truly want a professional digital RF camera that will take M-mount lenses. I love film but I'm a rotten bookkeeper. Stuff gets misplaced, promised photos get unsent to friends. I have yet to send stuff off from March in Tokyo to my friends. Digital makes life so much easier. Shoot, download, Photoshop and send via e-mail. I am sorely tempted to get the Leica Digilux 2. There is no way I am going to get the overpriced Epson RD-1. There just ain't enough there.


It is nice to know that in spite of Leica's trouble, the digital M camera has not been abandoned.

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Jeremy, dear heart, your been-there-done-that complacency would be slightly

less ludicrous if the previous thread on the Digital M had not been titled 'The

Leica MD" - ie the name of an old, rangefinder-less Leica camera, which is

not of great interest to many people, including me, who consequently didn't

bother to look. Why do you think the RFF thread attracted so much attention in

comparison? <p>

BTW, I'm not averse to rudeness or mickey-taking, but it helps if it's done with

a modicum of wit, as practised, for example, by the late-lamented Jay.

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" I love film but I'm a rotten bookkeeper "


Alex wait till you try and find your 10 year old "Digi files" on your hard drive, or your easily corrupted, storage medium of choice......negs will look pretty good by comparison.

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