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I made a mistake that someone else might benefit from...


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Okay, with apologies in advance for a problem that has almost nothing to do with people photography...<p>

My PhotoShop version 5.0 was part of a larger commercial buy, and is not upgradable. So I thought I'd be clever and buy an old version cheep and upgrade from that. Well damned if the 3.0 I bought on Ebay for $98.65 didn't turn up Mac, and I'm PC. It hasn't been registered, but it won't work for me, I've got to get rid of it.<p>

Are any of you Mac guys out there wanting a cheep route to a PhotoShop 6.0? Buy this 3.0 from me for $98.65 (my cost, I'll pay the shipping) and you can upgrade to 6.0 For $179.95 from any distributor like MacWarehouse...That'll give you a 6.0 for under $300, basically half price.<p>I'l follow this with a picture, just because that's what this forum is really for (sorry, shawn, et al). If you all would just tolerate this for a couple of days, I'll try the photo.net classifieds if none of you are interested. I'd really rather sell this to someone I know... t

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and bathe regular, too! <p>This photograph is an example of two of

the best kept secrets in these you nightied states.<p>She told me a

joke, once... What does a girl from Alabama say, after she's had

sex?... "Get off me, Daddy, yer crushin' my cigarettes!" har har

har.<p> In actuality, it's an incredibly beautiful state, with many

wonderful folks. One of the best things about living in north

Georgia, is that northern Alabama is so nearby... t

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