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Sekonic 328 Light Meter 5 Degree Spot Attachment


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I just got the 5 degree spot attachment for my 328. My meter has worked great

for me in my natural light studio in ambient mode, but when I have tested the

meter with the spot attachment, my readings are all over the place, usually way

under the value I get with the ambient reading and lumidisc. I'm new to the spot

meter world, and I haven't even really used my meter for reflected light

readings, so can anyone give some advice on technique and understanding this

meter set-up? Thanks.

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Get a reflected reading off a 18% gray card, and it should match the reading you get with the incident dome for the same lighting condition.


By the nature of reflected vs. incident metering, you should expect the reflected spot reading to be all over the place.



As far as the lumidisc, I don't know what that is, so I cannot help there.


Good luck, Erik.

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Got it. I thought it was some type of product you purchased.


Anyway, it is fully normal that the reflective spot meter reading will be all over the place, while the incident reading will not be. If you go to http://www.sekonic.com/classroom/classroom_2.asp, you will find good information about the fundamental differences between reflective and incident metering.



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I have the same setup and same problem. The readings vary wildly if you try to meter the

same thing twice within a few seconds.


I noticed that the length of time that you actually hold down the "trigger" makes a big

difference. It seems to be possible to click the trigger too quickly resulting in a bad reading.


Try holding down on the trigger for a full second. Seems to work for me.

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