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FM2n4s "holdability"


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Looks like a great grip Hoyin. How do you like it on your F3? Does it

have a good fit or will it move around a bit? Is it available

anywhere else or is this the best price there is? Thanks.

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Gil, the NF-Grip works great on my F3; it improves the "holdability"

of the camera by a whole lot--no complaint about that absolutely. It

fits very well onto the camera and it doesn't obstruct the camera's

function in any way; it's now permanently attached to my F3. I

bought the grip in Hong Kong, where I live and work, for the

equivalent of about US$65, which I thought was a little too expensive

to pay for what is essentially a piece of plastic and metal (that was

before I found the quoted website, and it turns out to be more or

less the same as ordering it with shipping charges). But now that I

have used it for almost half a year, I think it's worth the money,

since it really helps in the handling of the camera. My final

verdict is: get it!

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  • 2 years later...
I recently tried the PhotoEquip / GMP grip (and sold it) and think it would be much better if it extended across the entire bottom of the camera. I can't think of a single reason why it was designed as it is, covering only 2/3 of the bottom and leaving the motordrive contacts exposed. I mean, it's not like you can mount a motordrive with the grip still bolted in place, right? Unfortunately I dropped my camera and dented this area, and the grip would have prevented the damage had it been properly designed. But what made me get rid of the grip was the fact that the end of the grip, stopping short as it does, is in the perfect position to nudge uncomfortably against my left palm while I'm shooting. Probably not a big deal if you don't use your camera for extended periods or use heavier (zoom) lenses... but even for me and my little 35/2 AF, it does get uncomfortable and distracting. Another classic case of "close but no cigar"... try again, PhotoEquip.
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