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Back in the saddle again, or old and retro


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So, after having to switch to some EOS with auto focus for work on film sets and finally

retiring from that type of work... I found myself fighting auto focus when I did the stuff I

really love, the portraits, I dumped the Canon 135 2.0 L and the 85 1.8... got an R6 and a

90mm 2.0 and the motor drive! Ah, I felt cleansed! M4 with 50 1.4 and 35 2.0, the R for

the 90 work and looking for a 60 macro. A pig in heaven. I know many here despise the

R's, but damn I'm glad that in comparison their lenses are a lot cheaper. I'll probably go

for a 24 down the line as well. Just developed a roll of TMAX 100 with the 90 and love the

contrast... color to follow. The almost non valuable Canon A2 and A2E along with couple

of zooms go in the drawer... to worthless to sell, the work fine and may have some use

along the way, but less is more for the moment. Yeah, I am old and retro now. : )

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Al, thanks... haven't experienced them yet... good idea. But, I didn't give up altogether...

the M4 was always with me. when I was having some hard times, I sold the M6, the 21 etc.

but never the M4, 50 and 35. It's great to be simple again, and by the way, love your

stuff...great to see it here.

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Thanks Jim. I'm soon to be printing up a bunch of fairly recent stuff, the last year or so, which will include a lot of 15mm shots. I just finally got around to contact printing a few dozen rolls. I'll soon post some on the forum. No famous people, just people pictures, people I've met recently and others I've known for years. A lot of the 15mm stuff consists of arms length pix shooting back to include myself in the photo with others, a fun thing to try. I've gotten pretty good at guessing at the framing too!
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Jim: I know you you feel. I'm in the process of dumping some Nikon 8008 stuff I've had a love/hate relationship with. I couldn't put up with a camera that only shoots when it feels like it. At other times it just makes a funny noise and does nothing. That's not real photography. Half the 8008 gear is sold now. This spring I've shot some trees in bloom with my R5 and R6. That felt more like real photography. I'm using the money from the sales to pick up a Nikon F3HP, since I have lots of Nikkors too. There are just some Nikkor lenses I can't do without, like the 24mm, 28mm PC, and my 300mm and 400mm teles. That's real photography, too.
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As an inveterate and fully enslaved M user, I have consistently eschewed the R as unecessary. I may have to re-evaluate since I recently picked up a friend's R8 with 80mm 'Lux and looked through the viewfinder in a darkened cabaret. Holy Buckets, Batman, what a bright image! Much easier to focus than the unnamed, non-Leica, film SLR I keep around for occasional macro and long tele work.


Yes, it's still noisier and bulkier than the M but the brightness of that R8 image sure got my attention.

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well, my bio is on my website www.jimbrittphoto.com... started out with a Petri Jr. Half

frame and then a Canon IVs2, the the most expensive thing I ever bought that was that

small... an M3 with a 50 1.4.... but when the Nikon F came my way with the 105 2.5, I was

dead meat for portraits (heads, faces, glints, eyes etc.) so the SLR has always been my

favorite for those things and when I finally got into the R system the glass made even

more of a difference. Now I've photographed my share of famous faces, but they were

really people and faces. Duane Michaels had an interesting take on that... is the

photograph important because of who it is, or because it is an interesting photograph.

I've always tried to get past the "famous, celebrity etc." and into the glint of the person..

no one has the same "glint" and that's what's important to me...so Al, please show me

those glints that you have done, I love it and as far as I'm concerned when you get to

90mm and beyond, it's an slr and I do love that glass... also the view in the R6 is soooo

much better than the EOS A2's i've been using. Now I'm sure the big guns from Canon are

spectacular, but no one beats Leica glass in my eye so far. What a fun trip this forum is.

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Rob, yes indeed, I'll be printing up some fun 15mm shots to post and Jim, I'm sure I've got some more "glints" shot with the 85/2 Nikkor or 90/2.8 Elmarit, maybe even a few with the 180/2.8 on the 'flex SL that'll be here at some point. What I want to post in the immediate future is some recent work. Enough of the 30 year old stuff for awhile. Also, though, I might dig out some old stuff I shot locally for the paper or Miami Magazine "way back when" and pair those with some recent shots of the same people 30 or 35 years later.
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Al, the great thing about the "old stuff," is that it is old stuff... things we may not have

seen quite so clearly back then and now, pouring through those proof sheets we

discover... we just discover. We were there, we pressed the button... by "we," I mean

anyone who dared or just felt like it to "press the button" and preserve for all of us a

moment of time, an emotion, a glimps of the past, maybe a look at the future. That's the

enigma of photography... art? Hell, who knows, but wow does it grab some of us and we

leave a legacy. But... on to the "new" stuff which will become old the moment we

photograph it... a moment in time.

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No Jeff, not acid. Experience. Still, nobody can deny that about every creative endeavor from rock music to poetry to painting to film, and including photography, was heavily influenced by mind altering drugs in the 1960's and 1970's. Hell, probably still is. Why don't you use some of your experience to add some useful dialogue the discussion? You seem to be an accomplished enough photographer to be worthy of participating.
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"OK, no examples. I get it."


If you insist... start with this thread. There was no reason for you to interject your remark suggesting that the posters were on LSD, was there? It was insulting. Is this how you normally speak to people in real life? Before your remark this was a rather warm-hearted thread with a nice exchange between Jim and Al Kaplan. Oh wait...! Al Kaplan!!! Ahaa! That explains it...


P.S. Are things a little slow on the MAF? Is that why you are compelled to interject rude remarks here?

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hmmmmm ... seems Jeff's the one on acid. couldn't find where it was refferenced

anywhere else in the thread. Tony, yeah love the lens, thanks and Michael the body is

great with a nice patina of use : ) Tony, yep had the 60mm before and let it go with all the

other stuff, 2 R6 bodies, motors, 180, 90, 35, 24 God... what was I thinking!!!! Even

though the R6 is heavy, it's so solid to hold and shoot with the motor. I use the motor for

the portrait stuff, music etc. otherwise it will be off the camera. Al great to have a

conversation with you (although interupeted a bit).. let's have more. I think we're in the

same age group... old. By the way my friend Marshall will be 70 next Feb. Time...wow.


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I think I'm begining to understand things better. I'm not sure that I could come up with those ideas for posing naked girls together unless I was on acid myself. Thanks for the links! I underestimated your creative abilities. I guess the reason that I only take crummy boring photos is because I'm drug fee and never did try acid.
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