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Looking for info on the Snake River Canyon from the Oregon side


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The wife and I are thinking of what to do Labor day weekend as this is

one of the few three day weekends I can take during construction season.


For those not in the USA Labor Day weekend this year is Sept 3-4-5 it

will be HOT Dusty and being a life long Oregon native I have a very

good idea of this part of the state but no practical experiance in the

area NE of Enterprise and Joseph, Oregon.


The basic plan would be to leave as early as possible Friday hoping to

drive to at least The Dalles then back on the road very early Sat. we

would arrive in the Area before noon. We would spend Saturday

afternoon seeing Joseph the galleries and the area around there.


What I need help with is Sunday which we would start out very early

for with a 6:15 sunrise on Sunday we should be able to get well out of

town and up in the hills in time to grab a sunrise and to make some

use of the morning light.


SO has anyone done this part of the world? From the maps it looks like

a drive up Little Sheep Creek Rd. and then up Lower Imnaha Rd. as far

as Nez Peirce crossing should offer good landscape oppertunities. I

would like any info on what these roads are like. As this road is

basically a dead end we would back track to Camp Creek and across to

Zumwalt Rd and all the sites to the north. I tend to over achieve when

we do these trips but when we have so little time and have such a vast

amount of driving before the fun begins.


We both shoot so taking the time when needed or changing plans to suit

the opertunities is normal for us.


I have both a F250 pickup and a Saturn Sport coupe one offers much

more room for gear and MUCH more poor road access of course the sport

coupe gets 3 times the mileage and has Air conditioning for the long

road trip. This area is approx 375 miles from home so a solid 7-8

hours of drive time. Since I am a proffesional truck driver I'm use to

spending as much as 14 hours a day driving heavy dump trucks so the

driving part is no problem.


OK I have ramled on much to long.


Any help out there?

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I have a couple ideas on finding helpful people to speak with about this.


I've been out to Joseph three times, and fished the Grande Ronde and Imnaha. But I wasn't on a photo trip, and don't have the answers you are looking for.


Here's a site with a pacific NW nature focus. Maybe someone here can help? I'm not a member and I'm not sure if you can join for free or not. Maybe something in the archives?




Another idea. I'm a member on Westfly.com . It's a fly fishing site, and it's free to join up. You could post an OT question on the Oregon forum. Tell them "Mac AKA Inthetrees" suggested you post and you shouldn't get too much grief for going off topic. A lot of folks there are photographers, and quite a few of them know that area.


Otherwise, maybe a call to the Joseph chamber of commerce or tourist bureau (is there one?) could help. I know a fishing guide out there, Mac Huff, who would probably spend a few minutes on the phone with you if you told him I suggested you call.


Good luck. It's stunning country out there! I'm jealous.


Oh, and you gotta take the truck. Lots of great sideroads out there, but they aren't Saturn friendly.



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I can't offer much first hand-advice since I just moved to Oregon, but I have been collecting

guide books in preparation of spending more time in Eastern Oregon.


One book you might find useful is "Oregon Byways" by Art Bernstein. Drive 55 in this book is

about Lower Imnaha Canyon and has some detailed info on the roads you're asking about.

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Thanks for the good leads Mac. I'll look into your suggestions.


Mike MAYBE I can help you out I know the rest of the state pretty well what part are you located in. Maybe I can send you in the right direction!


Oh and I have that book in my basket at my favorite online book sellers Thanks.

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