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You should be able to get screws at the hardware store, or what passes for one these days. The screws are not precise by any stretch of the imagination so just get a screw that is similar and you should do fine. I've not take the screws out of mine, but I would expect that they are the self-threading variety. If you have one on hand you should be able to take it in and have them find something similar for you.


- Randy

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I am an avid Holga user, and I wasn't aware that it had any screws! Just kidding.


Since the Holga is totally made from plastic, including the lens, except for the springs and screws, I found that using epoxy glue was useful in Holga repairs. The metal screws can strip the plastic threads, and glue is a better choice for this type of camera, in my opinion.


You might also want to contact Randy Smith at http://www.holgamods.com/

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