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Nikon D50 and D70s Manual ??


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I think not an April Fool - though actual availability of the cameras may not be until the summer. The D50 will obviously go head to toe with the 300D (said by EOS Magazine to be soon discontinued, so presumably a replacement will follow from Canon), and the D70s will be fighting the next tier up. In fact, a Nikon spokesman has confirmed the story:



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Does anyone have a link to the manuals on a server that can serve them faster than 16kbs? I've been trying to get 'em for days now and it seems that after 5-6 hours the connection just barfs and quits. I transfer files this size all the time (I have a 3Mbs connection) and they usually take just a few minutes but it seems that all manual copies must reside on servers slower than the PDP-11 I used 25 years ago.




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Hi A.Kat,


Did you use the product you suggest to download the manuals? I ask because I think the product you listed is download caching software to make a less-capable (user's) computer seem faster...I'm pretty sure the problem lies with the server the manuals reside on as this is the only download(s) of this size I've ever had a problem with...I've even downloaded files up to 700MB considerably faster.


Best regards,


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