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I want to buy a 70-200 2.8 IS lens - but I'm scared canon will update soon


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WOOOOWWWWWWW! thanks for all you comments!


I know what most of you are saying - but with most of my purchases I usually buy

something new, or after the initial price drop - buying something that is already 6 years

old seems like I'm tempting fate for an upgrade! It's interesting to hear the very few

rumours of a newer lens. Although I have no immediate wish to go for anything much

larger / longer like a 400 zoom...


So my apologies for coming across like a scarred little rabit!


If anyone else has heard of any rumours though... please don't hesitate to get in contact,

I'll do some searching on the internet....




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That's O.K. scarred little rabbit, do you need some online trauma counselling as well as all the latest rumours for new Canon L DO IS white paint lense's 200mm and under? If so, please contact us here at "There's one born every minute" counselling services for current phenominal rates for the prepaid services we provide ;-)
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"So my apologies for coming across like a scarred little rabit!"


No apologies needed. It's a big investment so checking for rumours before spending your money sounds like a sensible precaution.


One thing's for sure, the 70-200 2.8 IS will be replaced one day. But no-one on this forum has a clue if it will be in September at Photokina or ten years from now.

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Here is something to consider. I bought the 85/1.2L lens and I love it. I knew a Mark II was due soon but I could not wait. Now that the Mark II is out and costs over 25% more (it is expensive enough already!) my version all of a sudden is in higher demand because the Mark II is just out of reach.


The 70-200IS may be $1700, but if the Mark II version ends up being $2500, the original version will still have demand.


I am going back to prime lenses and will sell my 70-200IS, I am sure I will not lose any money on it since I bought it when it was still $1499.

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"You could get run over by a bus tomorrow."


Not likely, unless the bus route runs through his computer room :*)


70-200 and variants (70-210, 80-200)were the first zooms to gain popularity with professionals because they run from just wider than "portrait" to just longer than "medium tele". Since pros are mostly shooting full-frame digitals (well, Canon pros anyway)and Canon's version has the latest form of IS and is known as being one of the sharpest zooms known, I doubt that replacing it is high on their to-do list. What surprises me is that Nikon hasn't designed a 55-135/2.8 with VR, since they seem committed to the 1.5 crop.

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Don't believe any of the above postings. I know the future. The next Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS lens will be the Mark II to be introduced at Photokina. It will have one liquid oil element and one asymmetrical fluorite element. The lens body will be made of the high strength plastic used on the B-2 bomber. The radar signature will be the size of a flea. It will have an invisible laser return focusing system that is compatible with all 1 series bodies and the 5D and 30D (built in but unrevealed until the advent of this lens). The lens will also mate to a redesigned 50 cal. sniper rifle used by the US Marines. It will weigh 2 ounces and have no vignetting at f/2.8. It will resolve 150 lpm. Wait for it. The only down sides are that it will have a black barrel and no red stripe. The lens will be about the size of the 50mm f/1.8 MkII. If you have large hands, then the zoom ring will be hard to work.
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"Don't believe any of the above postings. I know the future..."


Were you chuckling to yourself as you typed that? Were you rubbing your hands and thinking yourself to be extremely funny/witty/knowledgeable about lens metrics?


I hope not.


The question David asked was perfectly valid, and deserves constructive replies (and there were quite a few posted) not juvenile sarcasm. Remember -- for most people (myself included) a ~$2000 lens is a bit investment and may well make some people nervous.


To me photo.net is a great community of respectable mature people. I hope that it doesn't degrade like many forums/blogs etc. have of late.


David: I'd just buy the lens for the same reasons mentioned above. It was a bit much for me so I settled for the 70-200 f/4 and it's a brilliant lens!


Good luck with your purchases,


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