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What Lens Do You Wish Was Offered?

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I'll second Anthony Hick's "31mm f2 with ring USM", as a 1.6 crop "standard" lens. The 35mm f2.0 is close, but has clunky focus and soft corners, and translates to around 56mm on film camera. It would be nice to have an exact 1.6 crop equivalent to the 50mm f 1.4 (8 blade aperture, usm, metal construction, decent corner-to-corner sharpness), apart from some compromise on max aperture, to keep the price reasonable, and the weight/length down.
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Since 17-40 is like the new 'standard' zoom, why not build on it like they build on the 24(28)-70 range?


-10-17 f/3.5-4.5 (Probably in EF-s like the 10-22)


-17-40 f2.8L (Of course)


-40-125 f/4L IS (start here, then move to f/2.8 later)


Also, as someone had mentioned, pls, optimized or update all AFD lens to USM including the EF135mm SF.


Oh, preferablly all in the same filter size 77/67mmish



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I VERY much like the idea of a 17/2.8, or something along the lines of the response from Tom S. Even a 20/1.8 USM would be very much appreciated, but I'm not intersted in an EF-S version (I'm a 10D owner, too). And because this is a "wish," let's make it L-build quality without the L-price.



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<p><i>how big would a 500mm f2.8 be?</i></p>

Not sure, but I'd love to find out! ;-) Seriously, though... I can't imagine it would be larger than the 600mm lens, but if you're looking at reaching out to something that far away, I don't think size is very frequently a concern.

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A 500/2.8 would not be that big a problem to design and build, however it would be quite large. With the various hoods it would be longer than the 600/4 and way bigger diameter and way heavier glass. The built in hood and additional hood would make it that much more cumbersome. Just think of the 400/2.8 on steroids, lots of them. I could spend 20 minutes guesstimating the sizes but what's the point one can always go and get a tiny 400/2.8 instead. The 500 would weigh at least 16 pounds. Perhaps it would have to be a DO design to make sense...that makes it about $20,000 USD including the IS.



Now a 600/2.8 what a monster that would be! Or a 400/2, that's the one I would want. Of course to keep up appearances it would have to be a 400/1.8...what was I thinking?

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but maybe a non-push pull 100-400/5.6L-IS would be nice.


And no. . .a 70-200/4L-IS is not on my list, because it will undoubtedly carry a $1300 price tag.


But a 200-400/4L-IS at about $1000 would be sweet!

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a 50mm f/1.2L with ring USM and the same level of coma correction as the old Noct-Nikkor, or a 50mm f/1.4L with the same refinements as the Leica Summilux-M 50mm f/1.4 ASPH.


An ultra-compact 35mm f/2L USM. I sold my old 35mm f/2 and got the f/1.4L, but something lighter and more discreet would be welcome.

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Yakim - thanks for that Castleman link, I'd not seen that one before. Not sure what the value of a comparison with the 24/1.4 is though, cos I'm after a 28mm (or preferably 30/31mm) lens, not a 24mm.


I would really like to believe that the 28/1.8 is the answer, but I just can't bring myself to invest in a lens that has been described as having "hefty" CA and "substantially worse borders" - especially when it was tested on a 1.6x crop body!

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EF 15mm f/2.8L fisheye. Or at least give the existing fisheye a little better quality build, more than a 5-blade aperture, and better AF. My old Minolta 16mm Fish Eye Rokkor-X was/is a quality lens compared to the budget primes and zooms of its time; I can't for the life of me imagine why Canon gave what I consider to be a specialty lens such consumer-grade construction.
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Important: All of the following should have a 58mm filter size. Reasonable size is imperative to me. And they should all be sharp in the corners, even at the cost of slightly lower center resolution.


EF-S 15mm/2.8 USM rectilinear lens (I'd even take f/3.5 or f/4 to keep the size and cost down. Equivalent to a 24mm on a 1.6x crop body. Oh yeah, it should have a useful DOF scale. Hell, I'd even take an mf lens for a useful DOF scale.)


EF 24mm/2 USM (I'd even take an EF-S lens to keep it small, but it won't happen as Canon already makes three 24mm primes.)


EF 35mm/1.8 USM (My 30+ year old Minolta MC Rokkor 35mm/1.8 is a lot sharper than the current EF 35mm/2.)


EF-S 50-125mm/2.8 IS USM (Equivalent to an 80-200/2.8 on full frame. Would mate perfectly with the new 17-55/2.8. And Canon better make this before Tokina eats their lunch with their upcoming lens.)


I think all of these are reasonable possibilities. But, again, they would need to be relatively small (58mm filter size) and sharp.

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I wish the EOS 85mm f/1.2L that just came out was 77mm in size so I wouldn't have to buy all new filters for it since every other lens I have is 77mm not 72mm.


Not like I'm in a hurry to buy it, but you know, one day.

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