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Lens needs?


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I have the Canon xt camera with the kit lens and a 50mm f/1.4 and a 75-

300mm.I'm looking at adding the Canon 100mm f/2.0. I guess my question is

would it be worth paying that much money to have both the 50 & 100? Any

opinions would be great,Thank you.

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<p>Why are you considering getting the 100? You've told us absolutely nothing about what you shoot or why you think you might need to add this lens to your arsenal, and without any information, we can't say if it's a good choice for you. In general, it's a fine lens, very sharp, fast, quick-focusing, etc., as you can see from the reviews of it on this site and elsewhere.</p>


<p>As for having both the 50 and the 100, if you have a use for each of them, it makes lots of sense to have both. They tend to serve different purposes; neither one is a particularly good substitute for the other, so if you have a use for the 50 and a use for the 100, then by all means own both.</p>

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You might consider the 100 f/2.8 Macro. You do loose 1 stop and end up with a heavier lens that focus a little bit slower than the f/2, but the macro capabilities are a lot of fun.


Also, Steve is right, it helps to know what you will be using it for!



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