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More trying my hand at fashion

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So I got my ABs this winter, and I suppose you guys may have seen some

of the things I've tried with them so far. I've been trying to do more

fashion-oriented things, as I'd like my portfolio to take that

direction. I've been doing these shots exclusively in studio, though

the more I look at fashion photos, the more I realize the visual

context adds a lot of impact to the photo, and so I should do more

location work in the future.


I uploaded a batch of photos I took last Friday in my fashion folder

(the high-key shots with the woman in the black dress <a


and I'd like to hear your feedback. Setup was a single softbox with a

white reflector in some shots; the background was blown out with a

single flash head. I had difficulty placing the light so that there

was no flare: I actually had to correct some of the flare in

Photoshop, which I would rather avoid. Any ideas on how to place the

light to avoid flare?

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To cut down on the flare, turn down the intensity of your background light. Using an umbrealla or softbox to light up the background will minimize the "hot spot" you get from using an undiffused light, so you can turn down the light without having part of the background go grey. Be sure to use a gobo to block any light from the background head from directly hitting the model.


As for the overall content, I don't really see fashion. Seems to be too much about the model and not enough about the concept.

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I have to agree with Mike Dixon who I respect. I will say that I do like your pictures (the blonde and the boy are the best for sure) but I will say that they could use a bit more "umpf." That comes with practice, but I suggest you make good friends with a make-up artist and a stylist.

<a href="http://www.theacrobatssociety.com/indexApple.html">Here's a look at my fashion work... </a>

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Thanks a lot for the replies, guys. I realize the need for a stylist and a make-up artist more and more: it seems like the creation of good fashion photos is more of a group effort than anything else. I found a make-up artist for my next project, so I'll just try to find a stylist and everything will be set. I suppose I really should try adding more context to the photos (like finding interesting locations, as I said), as a cute woman wearing clothes isn't necessarily enough to project a fashion message, either. I'll keep shooting and see how I manage my progress.


Nello, I really like your work. The second photo on the bottom row striked me particularly: I suppose that's a good example of teamwork between stylist, make-up artist, model and photographer. Also, what background did you use on the first photo of the bottom row? It somewhat looks like a cage; I like the effect.

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Thanks! Yeah, these shots were all done with stylists and make-up artists. The photo in question, was taken at a club in New York. Strangely, the building was originally a church, but it was bought and turned into a night club. This shot was part of some promotional work for a fashion show that was held there. I had free reign to use the club as a backdrop. The girl's name is Carlotta, and she's from Brazil...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well I wouldn't really wear Alexander Mcqueen, but he's still one of the absolute darlings of the fashion world. I wouldn't wear anything couture, or Karl Lagerfeld... I wouldn't listen to John Galiano for advice, or Betsey Johnson, or Gaultier.... Still these people are Giants of the industry. And so I disagree with you: Fashion simply isn't based upon what you would wear or not wear(or not buy). And it certainly isn't based on the opinions of the Average Joe. To the contrary, I would say it operates in a large part in spite of the opinions of 'ol Average Joe. Realize that there's high fashion, low fashion, urban fashion, couture fashion, etc. etc.... It doesn't all fit under a black plastic umbrella.
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