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Just another ball head question


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OK, I know what is the best ball head(s)if you don't mind spending

$400, But I am looking for something on a budget. I will be using a

500mm 5.6 Mamiya 645 lens. I have a super duty old wooden tripod that

is the greatest thing I have ever seen to mount it on (this thing

would hold up a truck). Is the bogen 3038 the best deal going? Also

does Canon still make a pro ball head and is it any good (I heard it

was good). Any body got anything used for sale along these lines?

Thanks, Ken

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Ken, try rec.photo.marketplace and some of the camera stores with used departments although for something like this you'd probably want to go to a place near you so you can actually see the condition.


Ballheads are expensive (or so it seems) A sturdy three-way tilt head can be an economic alternative but this is a you can pay me now or later thing.


Ballheads seem expensive in that it's a chunk of money to spend at one time. Ditto for a good tripod. BUT these should last ten years or more so spread over that time the investment seems more reasonable. This is a case where the cheapskate can spend more money in the end. If you buy good quality gear now, you won't be replacing it so soon.


The key in buying photo stuff is to neither OVERspend *or* UNDERspend because either is expensive.


Good luck.

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There's a review of the 3038 on the main page here. It's very solid, but heavier than it needs to be as well as not particularly smooth

in operation. It's <b>very</b> stable once locked down.


The expensive way to do this is to keep buying (and selling!)

inadequate ballheads untill you finally end up with a B1. If you

buy used, all it will cost you is time, since you can pass your

old ball heads on to those on the same path as you are!

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Well, Bob, you can save a few dollars with as Kirk BH-1 which is about as good as the Arca-Swiss B1.


I wish I had one-fourth of the money I wasted over the last 20 years buying cheap. (Note to anyone reading this: This doesn't mean buying the most expensive __________ (fill in the blank) on the market. It means buying the best quality for the money and neither overspending or underspending.)

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Count me in among those who have purchased other less-expensive ballheads before eventually buying an Arca-Swiss B1. I still have a Bogen 3038 that was never used much. If anybody wants it, I'll be happy to sell. However, the chance is that you'll eventually trade up to a B1 or something similar.
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FYI, here's yet another boring guy who went down the trail of junky ball heads that eventually lead to the Arca Swiss B1. Hate to sound like a broken record, but I figure you can read all the opinions and come to your own conclusion. My bogen 3038 was a roughly-machined, although very strong-clamping, hunk of metal. Fortunately, it sold quickly on the used market, but as I recall I ended up with some of those truly horrific Bogen "quick releases" (all the reason you'll ever need to skip the 3038, if you can get a look at one before you buy) lying around, with no buyers. My 2 cents.


Regarding Slik stuff, it's ultra cheap, and the stuff I've seen is ultra junky. Don't have a lot of experience with it, but what I've bought wasn't worth much.

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I purchased an Arca B1 and a Bogen 3221 three years ago. When I eventually choose a system and buy some big glass I will keep the B1. But the 3221 will be sold and replaced with a more sturdy tripod, probably a horribly expensive Gitzo CF (that's why I no longer go for drinks after work!). The Gitzo CF that fits my height did not exist a few years ago so I guess I have an excuse. If it had I would have saved money buying at that time.
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Sorry Ken, Scotts right, it's Giotto not Giotti! The December issue of OP has a review on page 68. Their biggest head the MH 1002 weighs 12.5 ounces and can hold 13pounds(according to OP). List is $115 and is distributed by HP Marketing Corp, (973)808 9010.
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Surprise, the Slik pro ballhead is very good, especially for its price. I use it on my lighter set up. I also have Arca Swiss B1 and also a Studioball. I use the Studioball more since the pan adjustment on the B1 is so damn hard to lock. I use the B1 for its lightness when hiking around.Frequently I shoot 35mm, 4x5 and a full rotation panoramic camera at the same location. so weight is a consideration. The Slik, B1 and Studioball are used together, if I can get someone to carry extra stuff with me. I did it all once, 60-80# for a mile, before I put as much as Icould in the backpack. What a pain, but all the formats gave very acceptable photos at Mono Lake which is spectacular anyway
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  • 1 month later...


I' m trying to find a good ballhead that fits my tripod.I have a Gitzo G226(similar to Mountainner,but not in carbon fibre) and I'm considering the Gitzo G 1376 ballhead or the inevitable arca Swiss B1.I would like some advice.Of course, Arca Swiss is the best money can buy,but what about Gitzo ballheads? Is the diference in price as big as the diference in quality?

Thank very much for your help.

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I use a Gitzo 1376 ball head with quick release plates. The heaviest set up I mount is the 1N+booster+180 macro+2X converter, which means a tad over 3kg.


The ball head is easy to adjust, is smooth in operation, and rock solid. You can point the camera anywhere you want and it won't move.

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  • 1 month later...
Just bought a 300F2.8. I e-mailed Bogen a week or so ago looking for a support system recommendation from them. Their recommendation was a 3435QR ballhead, apparently a smoothness upgrade of the 3038. Apparently available in Europe, but just showing up in the USA. A faxed info sheet is being sent to me.
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Buy the arca b1, save money elsewhere, there is a reason all these people are telling you to buy this head.


There are many places in photography where going cheap won't hurt you, this isn't one of them.

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I just received one 1.5 weeks past. It is well made as others say. I had great difficulty finding a dealer with one in stock and a few said they didn't know when they would be getting more in. Someone made a comment about ArcaSwiss moving their factory. Caution that some dealers may promise a time schedule that is a lie. Dave Edwards
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I own the Giottos MH-1000 and like it. It has a tension lock, adjuster and a panning lock. Seems very well built and cost about $100. Max weight is 22lbs. and it holds up to 300mm and 70-200 very well. It seems to be nicer and a little better built than the Bogens. I use it on top of my Bogen 190 - US version 3001.




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Just picked up the new Manfrotto brochure and sure enough they have what appears to be an imitation B1 style head. They have two versions, the 3435 and 3436 both with or without quick release plates. I called Bogen and they say they are on the boat as we speak. Should be in stores to try in early July. The list prices will be $330 for the smaller 3435 version and $370 for the larger 3436. I would expect prices at B&H to be discounted 30-40%. The ball is teflon coated for a "smoother" feel.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
In response to Boleslav's question. The Manfrotto part number for the 3435QR is 468rc. I do have a question though. Does anyone own a 3436QR yet? It looks like an Arca but half the price. Yes, I know it's not an Arca. My local camera store has some on order but it's been about 2 months and they have not arrived for me to test one out. The head handles about 28 pounds. I have the G224 legs with the 1276 head. I don't like the head at all.
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