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CE Nelsons Around the Contiguous 48 in 90 days?

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Ohh the last post in here kills me!<a


msg_id=00BomX">LINK</a>? When the hell did I order this camera!

HA HA good one Lance. Sounds like me. or my wife. What the hell did

you buy now! I wonder how many others have forgotten they have

volunteered. CE, Better send out a reminder email.


Obviously I don't seem to be workng very hard today......

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A few days ago I got a package in the mail. I wasn't expecting any packages so it had me curious why I was getting something from Montana.


I opened it up and started pulling out these packages of powdered pancake mix and salad dressing mix. I'm sure the look on my face was priceless as I tried to figure out just what the heck was going on.


Digging a little deeper into the package I found the film I'd forgotten I'd bought off Ebay. The seller has a side business where they sell the powdered mixes and just threw them in as a "bonus".



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I got my book contract in the mail today, which I promptly signed and returned post haste. Poetry. No money in this, but I seem to be fairly good at it. What my parents always feared, that I would be good for nothing. In this way, of course, I have met (and exceeded perhaps) their expectations!


Tomorrow then, celebratory Pentacon shots in the air! 50mm worth.

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Have no fear for reminders. As the camera moves along, each new recipient notifies me when the camera arrives. In turn, I provide them with the details for forwarding the Ansco and also cc: the next party in line to give them the heads-up.


Looks like we now have California and Virginny in the mix. Rock.

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<I>The part that has me going, though, is WHERE do I go for some photos that are representative of the State?</I><P>


Tell us what state you're in and we'll tell you what the rest of us think about it. ;-)<P>



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A few years ago I purchased a nice Rolleicord Va on eBay. Sent payment the next day. About a week and a half later a box arrives. Inside is a very nice Olympus 35, rebadged as a Tower. Hmmm. Nice disguise? Do 'cords shrink in the mail? Seller had a bit of confusion from too many items listed all at once and was extremely nice about correcting it. Even offered to let me keep the Tower for $25. Sorry now I turned him down on that. Still have the Rolleicord though. That's why I never list over two or three items at a time when I sell things.

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