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A big or maybe not so big dilemma

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OK I decided I would like a little 35mm RF and I had heard the Konica

C-35 was a decent little shooter with a very good lens. OK so far.


So I do what i do and I go to ebay and I search I find I bid I win. A

beautiful Black origional version C-35 for a few bucks. I'm excited.

It arrives I'm much less excited, It is as stated beautiful no

brassing etc. But someone has mucked with it and the lens, shutter, RF

something is all screwed up. Fine I paid very very little.


SO back to ebay to find the perfect donar! A cheap chrome or beat up

black one that works well or at least is not screwed up so my repair

guy can CLA it and get me a good shooter. THEN put the black covers

and lens rings on the good working guts. CREATING as if magic a

perfectly beautiful perfectly working Black C-35


Great plan I know ahead of time that the money invested in the parts

swap and the tune up will most likely be way more then the little

camera is worth. I DON'T CARE because I'll keep it and add it to my

ever growing collection of varous cameras That when the mood hits I

can take out and use to take photo's with.


SO I'm back at ebay doing my ebay thing I search I find I bid I win I

pay and when it arrives and it is simply beautiful and chrome of

course. And I'll just bet with the proper battery and a simple CLA it

will work perfectly as well. Since only the meter does not seam to be

working now (no proper battery to check it out)


SO what the heck do I do now????? screw up a beautiful chrome one to

make a beautiful black one (what I want) or do I have the chrome one

tuned up and deal with my sercet desire to have a black one or do I

look for another donar and have a Black one and a chrome one?


I will very soon have a beautiful black Canonet G-III QL-17 as well as

the two chrome ones I have. Could be a mini theme in my collection

"The Chrome and the Black"


This is driving me nuts. All over two cameras I have less then $35.00

invested in!




So far LOL


Mark W.

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Swap the top and bottom like suggested OR.


Look for another black one and sell the black one you got OR..


Buy another silver one in so-so cosmetic shape and do the swap


Keep the Silver one for Color film and the Black one for BW film. OR vice versa.


Aint classic cameras fun :)

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Have a care, Mark... :-)


You wrote, 'Could be a mini theme in my collection "The Chrome and the Black".'


I got into that with Pentaxes (although, so far, I'm not doing it with Nikons).


Bought a chrome ME Super. Then a black one. Got a chrome S1a, siimilar to the one I purchased new in late 1963. Bought a black one, just like the one I got brand-new in 1967.


Bought a chrome MX.. So far, no cosmetically-decent MX in sight!


They all work beautifully and, indeed, color in one, B&W in t'other is a darned good excuse! But chrome next to black simply looks very fine.

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I also bought a black C35 with a non-functioning meter. Removed the leaky battery & cleaned out the compartment with Q-tips & vinegar, replacing the original with a 1.4v zinc-air hearing aid battery. The meter still didn't work. Time to check the wiring to the "electric eye"- I unscrewed the lens retaining ring between the filter threads & ISO setting ring. The wire right at the electric eye connection was corroded; I re-soldered and now everything is functioning well!

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Justin mine has been taken aprt and it's like the focusing helix is misalinged along with what seams to be a number of other problems with the shutter but since the lens body and all inside including the shutter and meter are ascuew [sic] it's hard to tell what is really wrong with it.


to everybody


Actually I think I will just get the chrome one tuned up and play with it. Then try to find a working black one with nothing wo=rong with the lens body etc. so that as was suggested just swapping the covers would do the cosmetic upgrade I want.


As to the Chrome and black theme


I have in chrome and black




FTb (black) FTb-n (chrome)


Canonet's (ok I'm still waiting for the black one to arrive from Romaina)


so I'm on my way. Beings I'm mostly a Canon nut some of my bodies were only availabe in black (A-1, F-1N, T-90) this alone accounts for 6 of my Canon bodies I can't get chrome versions of.


But it's all fun.

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