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cheap fun

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I had a day filled with photographic trivia. Basically had decided to

lay around the house and ignore the world, but then I got a call from

the wife of the local camera repairguy saying they were going on

vacation and if I wanted my Oly 35 RC, I'd better get down to the shop

and pick it up because the light seals had been replaced and it was

ready to go. (deep breath) So,<br>    I hopped in the truck

and drove into town to pick up the RC. Then, over to the Walmart

parking lot, parked, loaded the RC with Kodak BW and shot off 24

frames interspersed with holding the back up to the sun. Dropped off

the roll in Walmart for 1-hour processing and headed over to the used

bookstore. <br>    Finally! found a copy of <i><b>McKeown's

Price Guide to Antique & Classic Cameras</b></i>, 7th Edition,

published in 1989. $7.00, which seemed like quite a deal.

Interesting to find that prices fifteen years ago were not all that

different from what one sees today on eBay. Lots of interesting stuff

I had never come across, of course. Turns out the the Japanese and

the Brits made quite a few cameras that looked like guns. Some were

intended for military training, but you really have to wonder what

they were thinking with the others. Not much coverage of the FSU

cameras in this old edition.<br>    On the way home I

stopped at the Radium Springs Post Office to pick up a roll of film I

had left for processing at <i>Camera & Darkroom</i> in Albuquerque

last week. I'm still looking for someone to process C41 without

adding spots and scratches. A quick look at the film strip shows no

major trauma, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

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I'm just trying to imagine how they advertised those gun-like cameras.<br><br><i>Imagine the look on your friends' faces when you pull out your gun camera!</i><br><br> <b>or</b><br><br><i>Got a death wish? This is the camera for you!</i><br><br><b>or</b><br><br><i>Can't get the Big Guy's attention at the press conference? Try <u><b>this</b></u> ...
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In Japan & England, getting a gun is not so easy. So you buy a camera instead. Make it look like a gun. Here, everybody can have one of each. Even the dog, if he wants it.


Someone told me spots come from too strong stop bath and scratches come from the squirrels that run the machine.


Okay, off to bed with me before I hurt something.

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Camera & Darkroom has the same squirrel problem, it seems. The only place I've found that does better is an outfit in Tucson that does dip and dunk processing. The prices are very reasonable, but I am too impatient for a two week wait to see my pictures.
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Mike said, "I'm still looking for someone to process C41 without adding spots and scratches."


It's becoming likewise in (at least this area of) Britain.


A pro lab, to which I used to travel 20 miles round-trip, has got into the act over the past few months.


The nearest photo chain-store, 16 miles r.t., now happily donates dots and spots.


And the nearest Kodak-approved chemist, 20 miles r.t, has been doing ditto for years.


I'm capable of processing colour but no longer have the darkroom of ten-plus years back where I could process at high temperature with confidence. (In today's bathroom, B&W is fine, of course - then I scan it.)


Does the digital boom mean that labs are getting sloppy?

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<i>Does the digital boom mean that labs are getting sloppy?</i><br><br>That pretty well sums it up. I think processors just can't make enough processing film these days without cutting corners. In order to make a buck while churning out the stuff in an hour they rely on their ICE software to clean up the mess from sloppy technique. If you are willing to let them scan and print your pictures it actually works pretty well, but the negatives tell the story.
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I couldn't agree more! When I recently complained to my local ASDA (Walmart) lab that my negs were scratched, covered in fingerprints and all stuck into one sleeve together, the pimply faced attendant looked at me in astonishment and replied "...but don't you just throw them away anyhow?....."


I need to go find a horizon before I hurt something too......

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