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Smile durn you smile!

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Yesterday, I walked across the street to the elementary school with

my FED 2 and Jupiter 8. A young woman was pushing a carriage with her

two children ages 1 and 2. I asked permission to take their picture,

which mom agreed to. What followed was the bane of all photographers:

trying to get all three people to be at ease and looking toward the

camera. The following three pictures will tell the tale.<div>00CEIH-23574984.jpg.4bc3eb3969237400ead444df771e96d8.jpg</div>

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Welcome to my life! My kids are terrible to try and photograph doing their thing. I have to go through great lengths to introduce a camera quickly and know when to put it away, usually 30 seconds later.


CHEESE! (bad smile and scrunchy eyes)

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Randy, it seems you just might have made a a great discovery. Could it be that this 79 year old geezer thought those kids weren't quite as cute as their mommy? That is a distinct possibility. But there is nothing as innocent as a person with a camera in their hand. Is there?
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Thanks for all your comments. The mother, who I never saw before , really did ask or commanded her 2 year old daughter to,"Smile for the man with the Red Sox hat." I've heard of young Sox fans, but I question if that was an understandable motivator to get her daughter's attention.


Maybe I'll stroll across the street next Sunday with my Kiev 4AM and Sonnar 1.5 and suprise Mrs. Robinson and give her prints of those photos. BTW, that's not a made up name, though it fits the bill with her warm smile. I asked the litle girl her name which she gave and I promptly forgot. I asked her last name which she didn't give. (good for her-she shouldn't give her name to strangers) But Mommie did and said, "Robinson." Oh, to be Dustin Hoffman's age when he was playing the role of a college grad in "The Graduate" and dealing with another Mrs. Robinson-- from the song of the same name. As I recall in my trivia bank, Dustin was already in his forties when he played that role. Could that be?

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