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Question for the rangefinder devotees (heads-up you grandpa's and

uncles-you know who you are): What's your take on the RD-1 for

wedding photography. Marc, I know from another post that you've

used one but you didn't say much about the camera and pics. Is it

the best of both worlds? Should it be more than 6MP? Is it like

using a Leica?

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I was using the RD-1 this past weekend with a 21mm ASPH lens, basically making it the worlds most expenisve point & shoot :-)


my simple advice - never buy a 1st generation product of anything. the RD2 is not far away and should provide improvements on several fronts.


and seriously, no have to pull the rewind lever to activate the shutter (instead of advancing film) is a PITA.

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Love the little thing. Makes excellent images for what it is (I use it for color work

primarily, leaving B&W to the Ms). Use a 28/2 ASPH on it to provide a 40mm field of view,

which is a personal favorite focal length for weddings. A 50/1.4 becomes a 75/1.4 field of

view which is my second favorite focal length on a rangefinder. So, I'm a happy puppy just

as it is and have shot with it for wedding work which the client loved.


If you've used a M for a long time, cocking the RDs shutter is a natural reaction. If it wasn't

there, I'd be thumbing the area where it should be anyway ; -)


As to the eminent arrival of the RD-2, that's counter to the buz on the RD-1 forum. I

wonder what that info is based on? I just hope they don't resort to a CMOS chip when they

do upgrade the camera.

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No, no guys, nothing wrong with CMOS. Sorry for the wrong impression. I also have

dropped a bundle on CMOS chipped cameras ; -)


I just particularly like the look CCD sensors produce. I also use two 35mm type cameras

with CCDs in them (Epson RD-1 and Contax ND), and like the slightly different quality of

the images ... just like some folks like different kinds of film. I hope they keep that in any

future RDs, that's all.

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Marc, not likely as the CCD consumes more power. It seems like the world is going CMOS.


This is the first time I ever heard anyone stating that the CCD produces subtle image diffs vs. the CMOS sensor. Not related to the glass, you think?

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the glass? it's the software.


"I just particularly like the look CCD sensors produce."


Ah, do you mean you particularly like the software that interprets the info gathered from certain manufactures that use both sensors? Both Canon and Nikon make cams with both sensors, and, uhm, produce similair results within that brand. For instance, I can't tell a D2x shot from a D70 shot nor a Canon cmos from a ccd, but I sure can tell an untouched Canon digital image from a Nikon. On a monitor that is. Maybe that's what you ment man?

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Interesting observations. Frankly, I'm not sure the source of the differences. I was

discussing this with the Russian photographer Irakly Shanidze the other day. He had

observed the same thing. We both use a Contax N Digital with Zeiss glass, and the images

it produces are, well, hard to describe other than to say they visually exhibit more film like

qualities. The ND uses a full frame, 6.3 meg CCD from Philips, similar to those used in the

first MF digital backs. BTW, Irakly also shoots with a Canon 1DMKII.


Prior to getting the RD-1, I didn't think much about it, but when I saw the same type of

visual qualities from the RD as I was seeing from the Contax Digital, it made me wonder if

it was something to do with the CCD verses the CMOS.


I could possibly attribute it to the glass, since the ND uses Zeiss made ContaxN glass, and

the RD uses Leica M lenses ... if it wasn't for the fact that I'm now using Zeiss Manual

lenses on the Canon digital cameras... and still see the differences.


So, Eric may be right, perhaps it's the software. Eric, would that be true if I'm developing

RAW files from the both Canons and the ND & RD in Adobe RAW?


I also wonder why MF Digital Backs continue to use CCD technology if CMOS is superior in

terms of power usage, and are obviously less expensive to produce?

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My question would be, why wouldn't you expect CMOS and CCD sensors to produce different results? The technologies behind the 2 a pretty different. It seems likely to me that manufacturers know this, and might actually be telling their firmware writers about it, so that the in camera processing can reduce the differences. Just a thought.
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Hi Marc, could you possibly post a 100% crop of the gentleman's head? Just wondering about the look. Each single pixel of the 1D's CCD seems to contribute to the picture, whereas on the MK2 the pixels in general seem to produce a creamy "grainless" image. The grainlessness at 1600 ASA, however (produced by the anti-noise-algorhythms) comes with a loss of detail, I fear. Basically, even if CMOS chips might be less prone to noise in general, the in-camera anti-noise-software pro0bably isn't much different from the PC-based de-noising software à la neatimage, noiseninja etc.


In a way - despite all the noise - a 1600 ASA pic from the original 1D can be rich in detail and beautiful.

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  • 1 year later...

Quoting--"Patrick- never buy a 1st generation product of anything. the RD2 is not far


and should provide improvements on several fronts."


Me>>>I checked with a Cosina "insider" and was informed that no RD-1 "replacement"

should be

expected any time soon.... they have a couple thousand Rd-1's that are un-sold."


Quoting-- Mark Williams "I just particularly like the look CCD sensors produce. I also use

two 35mm type cameras with CCDs in them (Epson RD-1 and Contax ND), and like the

slightly different quality of the images ... just like some folks like different kinds of film. I

hope they keep that in any future RDs, that's all."


Me-- It's the optical system mostly... example: I can't fault my Fuji S3 with 70-200mm AF-

s Nikor, put any short zoom on and I find it barely useable.


My Leaf Aptus 17 has me absolutly amazed again... The Ziess lenses on a Hasselblad don't

leave anything to be desired... have little idea why someone would want an Aptus22 or

even the H-39.


It's all opinions and what works for you....

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