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Polarizer for 35 summicron??


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Can anyone tell me if I put a regular (not slim, not sure they make

one in 49mm size anyway) if I put a polarizing filter on a 35mm

summicron will I get vignetting?? How about same filter on a 21mm

Voigtlander?? Your advice and or help is muchly

appreciated.....thanks in advance.

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Leitz/Leica made the 'Swing-Out' polarizing filter 13352 for the 39mm filter lenses. It

incorporates a lens hood and swings out for adjusting the polarizing effect through the

viewfinder, and swings back over the lens for making the photo. Can be found used, but

need to watch out for de-lamination which shows up as rainbows in the glass.

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NO!- The swing-our polarizer does not vignett. I've used the swing out on a 35mm, 50mm and a 90mm TE for years, with no apparent vignetting when viewed via projection.


If you do get one of the swing-outs, you can have the filter replaced. It's a linear - - not a circular.

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With the rangefinder camera a linear polarizer filter doesn't matter.


As for vegnetting with a regular 39mm filter, its basically the same size as any other filter (

a bit more maybe) and would not cause any vignetting.

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Swing out pola works fine 35mm to 135mm. Early samples were greenish rather than the grey furnished in the mid 1980`s. Hold it over a piece of paper to check color.


I also set it up to swing up vertical rather than over the viewfinder if I`m on a tripod.


It probably won`t work well on a 21 even if the shade doesn`t vignette. That much sky will turn several values of blue. I have used one on a 21 SA R lens for fall scenes without sky and it works fine.

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I've used a B+H 39mm polarizer on my 50/1.4 Nikkor LTM with no vignetting; this filter has a fairly "broad" ring.


To address the non-sequitur swing-out filters, you don't really need them; I bought two B+H 39mm linear polarizers for about $17 each; the index marks on both are aligned the same way, so all you have to do is put the "spare" filter up to your eye with the index arrow up, turn it to whatever orientation you like, and then transfer the setting from the "spare" filter to the one on the lens.

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