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Fix a 35-70 3.5/4.5?


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I have been sooting using an AE-1 since the mid 80's with

28/2.8, 35/2.8, 50/1.4, and 85/1.8 lenses. I have a nearly unused

35-70 3.5/4.5 that has a focusing problem. Focus at 35 mm

comes out at about twice the indicated distance as at 70mm.

35mm does not focus at infinity. 70mm appears to focus at

infinity according to the split image, but it appears soft - and the

little ring around the split image seems to show lack of focus.


It occurred to me that this lens could be pretty useful if it worked.

So, I'm considering having it fixed. I would like to know if folks

have been able to take nice photos with this lens. Is it a good

lens when operating properly?



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I had a similar problem with the lens not focusing to infinity. I manipulated the three screws at the back of the lens a number of times and actually screwed up the diaphragm at first. Eventually, with the help of a friend it came back together and worked. I don't think you have to do as much as I did, but I would loosen and tighten those three screws. The lens itself is okay but nothing to write home about. It is also a minute focal length range for a zoom.
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I personally have never much liked zoom lenses, If you do a direct comparison with your prime lenses you will know why, but it seems to me that you could buy another lens at KEH or Ebay for the price of fixing this one. You seem to have this range covered with your prime lenses, Why would you want a zoom of this focal length?
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I had a similar problem with this lens ( not mine). It just needed the front rotating section firmly pushing in. I have used the earlier f4.0 version a lot and am really pleased with the quality. I have recently been scanning 20 year old photos ( negs and Kodachromes) from a trek in the Himalayas and they look really good. The small maximum aperture is less of a limitation today with modern fast films.
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Thanks for the great responses. I wanted to try the zoom for the quick framing capability with kid, dog, and travel photos. I like the results I get with the primes, but I'm always thinking about the next lens I'll need and dorking around with changing them. I've even had cases where an unused lens or two are in the photo - sitting on a coffee table or something. Of course, this lens couldn't replace the low light and small size advantages of the 28, 35, and 50 primes used individually. It sounds like it's worth trying the mentioned DIY approaches to see what happens.


Thanks, Ed.

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