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FG Shutter fires but not at all speeds


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I picked up an FG from Craigslist this past weekend. The seller said that it

did not work except whith the shutter set at M90. He assured me that it

wouldn't be as simple as cleaning the contacts and putting a new battery in it.

It wasn't. However, I was able to get it to fire at all the speeds below

1/125. When set on any speed higher than 1/60 the leds in the viewfinder for

1/60 and 1/125 both light up and the shutter fires but it sounds like 1/90th.

Set on either of the two automatic modes the shutter sounds like 1/90th no

matter how I set the film speed or aperture.


Does anyone have a clue what might be the cause of this behavior?

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The FG is VERY sensitive to low battery voltage. Are you certain that your batteries are fresh?


As to the sound of the shutter above 1/90, since 1/90 is the maximum sync speed, all speeds above 1/90 will sound the same, even with a perfectly functioning camera.


The 1/60 and 1/125 LED's light when the frame counter is less than "1". IIRC, the shutter will also fire at 1/90 in P and A modes until the frame counter reaches "1".


If your frame counter is 1 or above and the problem persists, then I suspect you may have a deeper problem. Good luck.

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Sounds like something more serious is amiss then. Sorry - I don't know what else to suggest to you. The 1/60 and 1/125 LED's should *not* blink when the counter is at 1 or above.


FG's are nice little cameras (I used to own a couple), but they are not very robust, and the electronics have a reputation of being unreliable.

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