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back at the bar

mike dixon

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oh, i think the shot is terrific. the marvelous arrogance of this

woman is grounded in the courage of desperation. and the mystery of

whether or not there is a ring on the third finger, left hand, is of

course, by chance.




*perfect* depth of field, also. of course, that may be of

necessity. tech notes?

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With her shoulder posture so forward and protective of revealing her

bust, she cannot be that arrogant. And she probably is married since

she's hiding her left hand. Certainly is a great photograph when the

psychology of its subject so completely transcends the photograph

itself. Did you offer her a refreshment that you took her

photograph? ;-)

Backups? We don’t need no stinking ba #.’  _ ,    J

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ok; if brassai and kertez are frauds, and shouldn't be worth a

moment's glance, then this image is equally worthless. what the hell

do we expect from these environments: the rebirth of marlene





there is much that is beautiful in the everyday revelation of human

existence on display in places like this, and in the figures of men

and women such as shown here.

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Thanks for the comments. And to answer some questions:




I'm pretty sure exposure was 1/50 at f2.4 or 2.8 (EI 3200). I

remember that the bar was a couple of stops brighter than the rest of

the room, and I was shooting at 1/25 at f1.4 or 1.7 most of the time.

Of course, by this point, I had been drinking wine for nearly four

hours, so I could be mistaken.




This was at the bar of the Nashville City Club (a private club

occupying the 20th floor of one of the big buildings downtown). I was

there for a friend's art opening. I'm about 99.99% sure that she was,

in fact, a woman.




Finally, if I bought a drink for everyone whose picture I take, I'd

have to sell my cameras to pay off the bar tab. Hell, she should have

bought me a drink. . . : )

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