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Possibly becoming assistant NEEDS HELP!


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Hey y'all, I'm goin out to do a wedding in March with a photographer

that says at first (for the first wedding anyhow) he's not goin to

tell me waht to do hes just gonna see what I can do. Please help me!

I need tips of any kind! Thanks so much!

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Well you can start by being on time and well presented. Nobody wants to sit around waiting for an assistant to turn up or worry that they may not dress correctly. If you take you own kit make sure it all works properly and have spare batteries. As for the shooting just do what you can do don't take risks and keep your compositions clean and tight watch out for disractions in the shots. I think it is important to do what comes naturaly to you don't force it if you don't enjoy find another type of photography you enjoy more. Best of luck with your first job.
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Be on time.



Dress appropriately (I was told to dress in Black.. Black Slacks and black jacket with a white shirt.. but I did get a black turtle neck by the second time out). I wore black sneakers (or other black shoes that are flat and comfortable). You will be on your feet ALL day.



Do not argue with the photographer, no matter how bad the shot looks to you. :)



If you have questions, save them for AFTER you are done. Most photographers know you are eventually going to become COMPETITION, so paying attention and careful observation may get you more answers with some bosses.



Keep YOUR ideas to YOURSELF until the END of the shoot.



Pay attention. If you notice an error, quietly take the boss aside and mention it.



Do NOT drink ANY alcohol at the event. Period. No matter whether the boss does or not. Someone needs to drive home (if for no other reason).



Do NOT hit on any of the guests. If any of the guests hit on you, be polite but remain professional and move on (alcohol can make ppl do some interesting things!).



Bring soft ear plugs. I know several hearing impaired wedding photographers. They do this job every weekend and the injury to their ears from repeated abuse from overloud reception music WILL take its toll. Protect your own hearing.


SMILE SMILE SMILE and do NOT talk. Assistants are there to work. They need to be seen and not heard and the less spectacle they make of themselves the better.


I assisted for 4 years.


Oh yeah... two last things...

If the Photographer hits on YOU, put a stop to that IMMEDIATELY (Oh yeah.. it has happened!) and be sure to get paid enough. I don't care HOW great the professional is, the going rate for an experienced assistant is $250 - $300 a job. If you end up shooting as an associate the price is a lot higher.

If you are starting out you get less, but after your first season you are worth the going rate.

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