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Light set

larry n.

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Can someone recommend a high-quality studio light set for an non-professional?


The main reason is to be able to shoot large format indoors without the

frustration of a tiny flash desgined for 35mm. I would like to be able to

informal portraits, still life shots, and other creative applications. I will

not be doing any formal "Sears" type portraits.


As I am not a pro, I am not looking for, and cannot justify, high-end equipment.


I just want a decent, dependable monlight or two, or a powerpack and one or two

strobes, as well as light stand(s) and umbrella(s).


What brands or configurations should I look at? Is it better to buy a "set" or

a la carte? The maximum I can spend for the whole thing is $1200.

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If you're shooting LF you'll need more power (to achieve an adequate aperture) than with normal portrait setups. For example, at the usual portrait distances, 600W/s through a softbox will give you around f/16. For actual measurements, see <a href="http://www.elinchrom.com/Downloads/Literature/Face%20to%20Face/FacingRightE.pdf">the Elinchrom catalog</a>, near the end under "Rotalux' or 'Indirect Softlites'.
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