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Shutter repair?


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I just bought a 4X5 camera with a lens in a Compur shutter. I haven't

received it yet, but I understand the shutter is "frozen."


Can this be repaired, or must the shutter be replaced? If LF shutters

are repairable, can anyone recommend someone to do the job?

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It depends on why it is 'frozen'. Some shutters may be cleaned and returned to working order but some are physically damaged and cannot easily be repaired. If you feel it is worth the cost, try S.K. Grimes for CLA and repair work. They are very knowledgeable and reliable and have a solid reputation in the photo community.


- Randy

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Thanks for the recommendation! I'll try them as soon as I get the camera.<p>


(As an aside, I can't <em>believe</em> how fast you get a reply here. What... are you guys just hangin' around <em>waiting</em> to help people? Ha! I love it!)

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Yeah... you're right. Check this...<p>


"... My charge for a CLA is $45.00 plus shipping, handling ($2.00), insurance (in any amount that you wish). If I can't fix it than you would only owe for postage...!" (sic)<p>


<em>No bench charge to assess it! </em> If she can fix -- and I infer from all your recommendations that she can -- she is one heckuva find!

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Years ago, I bought a Zeiss Protar lens, mounted on a dial set Compur shutter. The shutter was completed "kaput", with an internally broken linkage. I sent it to Ken Ruth "Photography On Bald Mountain". He had to make the part for the 75+ years old shutter. It came back in a pristine condition, and I still use it on my 5x7-4x5 camera.
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If the young men who have succedded in Steve Grimes business can't fix it, no one can. It sounds as if the shutter needs more than CLA. Grimes will assess the problem and lety you know promptly.

Bald Mountain does good work, but the turn around time can be excessive.

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So far, Carol has brought back to life my size 00 Synchro Compur for a 65mm f/8 SA, the Seikosha for my 90mm f/8 Wide Field Ilex-Caltar, and the Synchro Compur for my 180mm f/5.6 Rodenstock Sironar. In addition, she also fixed an old pneumatic Century shutter for my B&L Rapid Rectilinear and a dial-set Ilex #4 for my 8 1/2" f/5.6 Ross Homocentric that others in the past told me they wouldn't touch.


I just boxed up my Kodak Retina IIa to ship to her on Monday.


Like I said, she's great!

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