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Dear digital friends,

i'm using the FZ20 for skiing, together with a Leica IIIf, and I need

a bag to attach the camera to the shoulder strap of my backpack, so

to be always ready to shot. It must be well fixed, small and of easy

access. Do I ask too much? I also need to fix the lens cap, but this

is an easy task.


Thankyou for your kindness.


Alessandro from Italy

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This may be too large for what you have in mind, but I use a Lowepro TLZ-1. It's made for SLRs, but the camera rests nicely at a 45 degree angle in the pocket. Access is easy because the camera presents the grip on the top where you can grab it. Also, because there isn't much sliding going on, wear and tear is very low. There's a big loop on the back to fasten to your strap, and a couple pockets for "stuff".
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