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flash for canon 20D

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Hi Diane, yep a 550EX or a 420EX would both work well. I have a 20D and both of those flashes and they both work fine. If you intend to grow into using multiple flashes then don't get anything less than the 420Ex and strongly consider the 550EX. Personally, I wouldn't count on the built-in for anything other than a little fill here and there. Good luck.
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If you need a little more flash, you might look at the 220EX. I've never read how it works w/ the 20D but it will cost $110 retail- less on ebay. I originally bought the 420EX- a real nice flash but lacking in flexibility- but was never happy til I bought a 550EX recently (my wife thinks I'm a lunatic). You may be surprised that once you have o good flash (or two) that you'll start using flash alot more.
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The best reason to get a flash beyond the built-in one is to modify the light by either taking it off the camera or simply bouncing the light. Bouncing the light does wonders - with soft modeling, it won't even look like it was from a flash.


So look for one that can swivel and bounce.

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