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Epson 1280 printer question

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I have a Epson 1280 printer that I use only for B&W printing,both

Photographs and letters. Can anyone tell me why the level of Color

Ink , drops just as fast as the Black ink? Is there a way to turn off

the color ink,so I do not have to keep replacing color Ink that I am

not using? I find this to be a large pain in the wallet. I appreciate

any help I can get.

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Deep blacks is not the issue; the colours are being used to make shades of gray. You might try black only printing (discussed at length here: <a href="http://www.cjcom.net/articles/digiprn3.htm" target="_blank"><b>Digital Tri-X</b></a>), but the effect is certainly different from what you've been getting with full inkset B&W printing. If you like the results you've been getting, then use of the colour inks is the sacrifice you must pay.
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I can tell you from experience with the 1280 that you will most likely not like the results of B&W prints using black ink only. I was noticing a slight color tone to some B&W's I was printing, so turned off color. The results were horrible. I looked around online at that time and found that the 1280 needs the colors to produce good shades. You should look at one of the newer printers that have two black inks, like the Epson 2200. Another option is to use monochrome inks, as mentioned here:


but I have not tried this myself.

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If you don't like the results of black only printing using the Epson inks with a 1280 printer you are probably not doing it right.


Try printing black ink only at 2880 dpi using Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight (SO41264). You have to fool the printer by telling it it has glossy to get it to do 2880 dpi with Matte paper.


I prefer the results using this to selenium toned fibre paper prints from a wet darkroom, and so do other people who see them. I've shut my darkroom after 30 years.

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