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Fuji 125mm f/5.6 CMW:: Any experience


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Has anybody used this lens for 4x5? What are your experiences? Can

you comment on sharpness/contrast? Do you find the coverage

adequate? I was wondering if I should go with this one or an 135mm

of 150mm (Fuji or other). I would like to use it for enviromental

portraits besides landscape.


Thank you in advance for your responses.


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The Fuji CMW has been around in several different versions. Assuming you are talking

about the latest version with the 67mm filter ring (earlier ones had smaller ring) it is an

excellent lens with good coverage. I have always found the resolution and contrast of fuji

lenses to be equal to that of Rodenstock and Schneider. This lens will give you

approximately the same coverage and room for movements as the Rodenstock Sironar-S

135. Personally, if I had to pick betweent he tow I'd go for the Rodenstock, I just like that

particular lens a lot.


A warning though, if it is an earlier model of the Fuji 125 it has much less coverage. I

used to own one of the slightly older ones and it ran out of rise (as well as other

movements) very quickly.

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As far as I know there have been 3 versions of this lens over the years. The one that Ted mention and the one to avoid is the first Fuji W single coated with the writing on the inside of the ring. The second version is the Fuji W multicoated that, I believe, takes 52mm filter. The third is the current production with the 67mm filter. I did not use the current but did use both the previous ones and though I agree that the first was a big fiasco, the next one is a wonderful lens. Sharp and contrasty from corner to conrner.. A little less coverage (6mm?) than the current one but a lot cheaper and more compact.

Look at Kerry's http://www.thalmann.com/largeformat/fujinon.htm for more info.

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I'm afraid I don't have the CMW - but I do have a Fujinon 125/5.6 W. I love it. See http://www.keyesphoto.com/Kdkgearinfo_Lenses.html


It's small, light, and I think the 125 mm fills the gap between 90 and 150 mm much better than the more common 135 mm lens. And this Fujinon also has almost the same film coverage as a Schneider Symmar-S 135 mm, which I had before and replaced with this lens.


Kirk - www.keyesphoto.com

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