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Equip. trivia: Retina IIa and VC meter not good together

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Warning: gearhead equipment trivia, please skip if indisposed to this

kind of thing!


I received a Cosina VC meter for Christmas a year ago. For whatever

reason, I'd never used it with my Retina IIa. I picked up that combo

this a.m., thinking the meter would sit on the Retina's accessory

shoe and the whole would make a nice compact package for my lunchtime

picture-taking walks. It didn't work: the meter rubs on the Retina's

rewind knob, making film advance difficult/impossible. The VC

meter's body overhangs to the left of its shoe mount. The Retina's

accessory shoe is to left of center on the camera, and the rewind

knob is just tall enough to rub on the bottom of the meter. Geez,

who woulda thunk it?!!


Somebody, somewhere in this world probably once upon a time made

an "accessory shoe extender" -- one more think for me to paw through

the junk bins at camera shows looking for. Just when ya think ya got

all the bits and pieces ya need...!!!

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There are accessory shoe adapters that have a hot shoe connector on the bottom, a cold shoe on the top, and a PC socket on the side -- one of those will raise your meter about 1/2 inch, which should nicely clear the meter from the rewind knob without making the package too unwieldy. They're available new from camera stores for prices between $5 and $15.
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Mike, Dan, Donald, I rummaged around at the B&H site, saw some of the shoe adapters you referred to. PITA to have to buy another little bit of kit I know darn well I'll misplace when I need it!


James, The VC double shoe adapter would have to be the "C" model with the 10mm rise - the double shoe adapter also extends to the left, the lower "A" and "B" models would probably foul the rewind knob.


Frank, I think it cannot be moved laterally - it would start to bump into the cover to the battery compartment. You make me think, though, I wonder can it be raised with some shims underneath? Depends on the length of the 3 attaching screws.


Everyone, thanks much for your help and suggestions.

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If the VC meter has a locking dial I can see why someone might want to hang it on their camera, but if it is the earlier model without the locking feature it seems to me just another hindrance to efficient use of the camera. The coupled meter on older Leicas had a lock that would allow you to take a reading without removing the camera from your eye in addition to setting the shutter speed. Even with a lock -- but without coupling -- it is difficult to understand why the meter needs to be connected to the camera. The nifty little Metrawat that used to be provided for the Barnack Leicas was better carried in the pocket for the above reasons. I suppose it is a matter of "Chacun au son gout"!
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Pardon a belated response.


The VC II meter is physically incompatible with the 'barn door'

Vitessa, too. I t conflicts with the plunger film advance/shutter

cocking rod, and moving the shoe doesn't fix this.


However there is no reason not to just hold it in your hand, and it

fits and looks well on the Prominent -- for those of the land of the

left eyed (finally I found a viewfinder for we of the rotten right eye!)


regards - Ross

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