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Near D70 catastrophe


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Well, I almost did it. I am very careful not to clean my D70 CCD

too often, or with any contact at all. Therefore, I always just use

an air bulb, and lock up the mirror, never getting the buld inside

the camera where the mirror could hit it.


So, I'm ready to clean the other day, but can't find the air bulb.

I find it on the floor of my office, lock up the mirror, and go.

But, what's that? I see a spray of mist from the end of the bulb,

which goes directly onto my CCD. Seems my 4 year old has been

playing with the bulb, and I've now put her spit on my CCD!


I stopped, didn't try to remove it, and took it to the shop for

cleaning the next day. They tell me that it may or may not come

off, and replacement will cost $900!!!!


Anyway, they were able to get it off, thank goodness. But actually,

even though the spit spots are now off, the CCD is dirtier (dust-

wise) than it's ever been. And, there are new chunks of dust in the

viewfinder path, presumably behind the focusing screen, since they

won't blow off. So, now it's back to get that cleaned out.


Overall, a very stressful experience. I've certainly learned to

double-check that bulb, and be more careful than before!



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I use one of those light bulb sized squeeze blowers in my darkroom to dust off negatives and my glass negative carriers. I've just gotten into the habit of squeezing them several times into the air before actually directing the puff toward my negs or carriers. It never occurred to me than one of my grandsons might have been playing with the thing but I was concerned about condensation since my darkroom was in the spare bathroom/laundry room.
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The replacement is $900? Yikes! I thought new D70's could be had ffor $800 these days.


Anyway, I'm glad it worked out OK for you. I suggest you get some Eclipse fluid, Pec pads,

and learn to clean that way (do a search here) the techniques works very well for me.

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If you are going to use a SLR, you are going to have to learn how to clean the sensor with a swab system. Nothing else will work well and you will get sick of taking it back to a dealer and paying him to do it. It is not that hard to do and the risk is minimal if you do it right. It seems like mine needs cleaning every 2-3 weeks.
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I'm with Jim. Learn how to use a swab system. There are any number of sites with great instructions. It takes 30 seconds to do (couple minutes more with getting set up) and will be more effective and ultimately better for you.


If there had been something 'bad' in that moist stuff you sprayed onto your CCD and it had dried just that drying could have damaged the CCD. If you'd have known how to clean it properly you could immediately have done so, before the substance had a chance to do any damage.


This is not something you should be afraid of, just like cleaning a camera lens it needs to be done carefully and properly, but it needs to be done.

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Well, the story continues....


The camera store denies causing the dirt in the viewfinder path. I fought fiercely with them, as I'm 100% sure it wasn't there before. They're sending it to Nikon to see if they'll remove the dust as a warranty item. If not, we still have to discuss who'll pay for it. And even after I bought a warranty policy at the camera store. Not a happy customer.....


I'm going to give them a chance to do the right thing, like I thought I was doing the right thing supporting my local camera store. If they don't, I'll purchase only online after this. After all, they're only there because the can offer customer service. Their prices can always be beaten by a reliable online supplier.


Oh, and thanks for the concern for the kid. I don't keep dangerous fluids around for her to get into.



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