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Entering Contests


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I've been a WPJA member for about a year now, and just won first place in the "Bouquet/Garter" category

of the International 2006 Summer Competition! We're SO excited!


For everyone who regularly enters photography competitions and hasn't yet won, I just want to encourage

you to KEEP ENTERING! It's such a tremendous experience to finally place...


Here's a look at our winning image:


<img src="http://almasyphoto.net/images/blogimages/wpja/wpja01.jpg">


Next week we'll be getting one of the gold medallions next to our WPJA listing. We have high hopes that it

will increase our business even more!


Has anyone else had any contest-winning experiences? Did it do anything to enhance your exposure, or

heighten your desirability among clients?


All the best...

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I feel you Colleen! I enter EVERY contest, and this is my first win. I think it's somewhat a

matter of knowing what the judges want... Or maybe it was just my lucky day ;)


Actually, of all the photos I've ever entered, this was the first where I KNEW from the moment

I took it that I was going to submit it. Some images just hit you like that.


Keep at it! Your work is so great...

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Congrats Anne!!! Way to go!


I saw the photo on wpja and gave myself a mental note to try that angle. Great shot! I just

got in to wpja and can't wait to enter the next one. Do you know when it is? As of contests

experience I only entered my 9/11 photos in 2002 and winning gave me allot of

confidence in my photography that I didn't have at the time. Five years later I still get calls

and emails from people I don't know and get assignments from news paper and

magazines. On my wedding website I mention that I won World Press and nominated for

the Pulitzer. At first I didn't want to do so because it has nothing to do with weddings and

I didn't win the pulitzer but my friends convinced me to do so. I find now that it helps allot

to get the clients. The things I hear-she is so great, won all the awards-makes you feel

better and be more creative. Definitely put the award on your website.

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Fun shot, Robbie!


Gulnara, the WPJA has a contest once a season, so the next one will be for fall. They'll

probably announce the opening in October, I'm guessing. You SHOULD get an e-mail

from David announcing it. And even if you don't win, it keeps your listing near the top

when you enter, so it's well worth it.


I love your work, too!!! I'm so excited that you're now a fellow WPJA-er! You should

definitely check out the forum; it's an incredible source of info. Everyone there is truly






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Give it time Paul. It took us a month to hear back when we first applied.


And yes, everyone, we had a 580EX pointed at the ceiling. You can remote-fire one with a

PocketWizard, a hot shoe slave, and a sync chord.


At some level it was a lucky shot, since (of course) i had no control over the movement of her

arms and hands, or exactly where she threw the bouquet. I was fortunate not to get smacked

in the head with it or tackled by a throng of bridesmaids!

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