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Illustrator and photoshop...has anyone tried the "Trial" versions


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Is your question if the people here use those programs or if the trial version is any good?

If the first then I can say that PhotoShop is used by most people here that shoot digital.<br>


If you don't have the $$ to buy the real thing maybe try <a href="http://www.photofiltre.com">PhotoFiltre</a>. It takes a while to get used to using masks instead of layers but it's a great program if you can't afford PS. And it's really small (under 2MB).<br><br>


Illustrator is used for drawing and editing text on pics. As a photographer, PS is a more complete program.<br><br>

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Adobe Elements seems to be pretty useful from what I've heard. It comes bundled with many things now and might come with something on your list. I got a copy with my Epson scanner although I've never installed it, so I don't know how it compares to CS. There are a lot of imaging programs out there that will do a lot, some are free, but PS is the best. Most photographers don't have a need for Illustrator.
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I'll second the recommendation for GIMP if you really don't have any money for software. PSCS is better, and a big enough improvment that I actually paid for it, but GIMP has a lot of functionality for the money ($0). I haven't used the trial version of Photoshop but I have used Adobe trials for other packages and they were fully functional but time limited.
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The trial version of PS CS is 100% working for 30 days. On thing FOR SURE - if you've never

used Photoshop before and your looking to do REAL work on it - it will just boggle your

mind more than anything.


That's not to say it's not worth trying out, it's just that in 30 days you'll realize you haven't

scratched the surface of what it can do and then you'll come to the realization that after

30 days your already ADDICTED - and to continue it will cost you $700. You've been

warned. : )


BTW, don't even try Illustrator in the same 30 day period, you'll just waste the trial period,

these are almost limitless "career" type programs - besides most of what I used to do in

Illustrator I now just do in PS. I think you'll find Illustrator is mostly redundant for a


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If you install the trial don't mess around with you system date because the trial will expire. Photoshop CS is nice but, I didn't see an improvement over 7 except for the RAW import feature, which you can get from 3rd party plugin. That whole activation crap turned me off so I'm sticking with 7.
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