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Business card again!


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Personally, I don't like it at all. The red of the helmet looks washed out, there's a very heavy, visible shadow behind the child, you can't see his face almost at all, and I don't like the way the framing cuts off both his legs and the toy. Additionally, the background seems very cluttered.


The picture in your photo of the child on his 2nd birthday is much nicer. I would work with that or something else if I were you.


As for the writing, as a personal matter, I prefer the writing to be over the photo, but it would have to be in a very uncluttered area of he photo. I do not like the separate space of the card for the writing as it breaks up the continuity of the photo. I'd prefer a looser cropping withe the writing in a negative space in the photo.


Hope you find my suggestions/criticism useful, as that is how they are meant...

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Hey Yvelisse,


I didnt have a chance to comment on your last posts but this does look much better.. the font is much easier to read and it's not so cluttered and jumbled looking. The only other critique I have, dont take this the wrong way; but is this photo really the best representation of your work? IMHO, it's hard to connect with the subject b/c you cant see his face. That and the harsh side shadow, the diaper... Dont get me wrong I'm sure his parents would love it, and it IS cute, but not signature image quality. Anyway, you're on the right track!

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Sorry, but it doesn't work for me on any level. The (on-camera) flash is reflected in the kid's helmet, creating really ugly shadows and giving the entire image an amateurish, "snapshot" look. The kid's face is not there, so I can't engage with the subject, and my interest is lost.

The tones are muddy and there is an abundance of visual clutter.


OK, it's a kid in a diaper. He's probably cute. Been done and been cropped better. I can see what the idea was behind it, and you get good marks for that, but you need to translate your ideas into images with more thought.


To be brutally honest, if you handed me this card, I'd make a note to never call you. This is in the same vein as the comment about using a first-rate image on your card. People expect that what you're handing them is representative of your work. Only you know if it is.

I bet you have better shots you can use, or can take better ones.


In terms of the colored helmet in the b&w, I personally have a real dislike for that type of image. In the days when it took a bit of technique to achieve that effect, it was rare and it had impact when it was used. Today, it's a cliche manipulation that can be achieved by anybody. Better to have a great image make a statement about you than to rely upon a gimmick. Just my own opinion, of course.


Keep working on it!

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I work doing design for a print shop. Just looking at your card, its simple and plain, and appeals to very few people. You need and want a card, I'm assuming, that will appeal to the masses. You're targeting only people with children. That card won't be appropriate for people who want you to photograph their wedding, portraits, etc. You're just limiting yourself to one crowd. If children is all you photograph, then give it some more work, and it'll be fine.

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I did something different for the last wedding I shot I took the couples engagement photo in B&W put it on a card in portrait format with my name and address with email below. They had a table set up for guests to sign the guest book I fanned out about 40 of the cards in a location the brides stepmom approved and after the reception one of the kids helping clean up brought me the cards not picked up. about 30 of the cards were picked up not bad with a wedding that had about 150 people about a 1/4 of which already knew me.


We showed then to the next two wedding we are doing and both loved the idea so I'm going to offer it to all the weddigs I do.

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thanks everyone! I agree with all of you. I just need a new picture I guess. I do have more that would be a better representation of my work. But I guess I am too partial to the cute diaper baby since it is my little boy. (he is also the one in the other photos in my folder)... I love shooting my sons and hoped to use one of them, but the fact is, as is so obvious here, I only see Them and not what I want to achieve. Love is blind, is it not? Anyway, back to work. I still like the one of the couple that I had posted a few weeks ago. It was my first wedding. it went well, and I have had many requests to do more wedding, thus the need for cards. Maybe I can do some generic for now, til I get the right photo. I really wanted to have 2 cards... one for weddings and one for children. What are the thoughts on that? Well, thanks again! I have thick skin and no comment will insult me. I appreciate the input and time you all put into helping out. Yve
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IMO, one card and one image is sufficient. The card can mention the types of photography you prefer, but having different cards for each type seems unnecessary. After all, the card is just a means of giving people contact information, not a sole marketing device. Sure, you want it to reflect what you do and how well you do it, but you're going to be doing the selling, not the card.


There's nothing wrong with having more than one card, but if you're working so hard to create one, be happy with one for now.

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