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How much $ for Hasselblad 501CM or 503CW (kit)


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Take a look at www.keh.com Their prices are comparable (and sometimes lower) than

eBay. The nice thing is that in Hassy they generally have a large selection. If there is a

problem with an item they usually have several others available.


The BAD thing is that unless otherwise listed, they don't include caps or hoods or straps.

Remember that when you are pricing/ordering. I always forget....

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It's an expensive system but very nice. I am thinking $1500 to $2000 for a complete camera with 80mm lens,WLF, in good to excellent condition. Also consider the cost of lenses and accessories. KEH.com usually has a lot for sale and you can get an idea. Ebay might be cheaper but you might get bit pretty hard to. I would rather go to KEH.com or CameraWest.com.....Nolan
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You can probably get a 501CM with WLF + 80mmCF lens + A12 back for around 1000$ on the web (private sale) but unless you can actually try it out before you buy I'd factor in the price for a CLA. You pay more if you buy from a dealer but then you can be sure that everything works or you can give it back.


I wouldn't go for the 503CW unless you really need the added function. A 503CW is not necessarily newer than a 501CM but it is more expensive.


Also, you can go for the 'old' metal C or C T* lenses if you want to save a few bucks. They're very good but again, factor in a CLA.


My advice: Either buy from a dealer like KEH or list a WTB on an internet forum. When doing the latter, make sure you buy from someone who has good feedback, ask a lot of questions and even if they tell you everything 'should' be working fine factor in anything from 150-300$ for a CLA. If you then still think the price is right, buy it.


I bought a 501CM with several (old) lenses, a bunch of backs and lots of accessories from a seller on fredmiranda.com (I got a lot of responses to my WTB. Everyone there has switched to digital so there are lots of Hassys sitting around, waiting for a new owner :-) ). I got a great price for the gear and bought from a seller with good feedback. I still had to CLA the body and a lens before I could use it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have both the Hasselblad 501CM kit like NEW. This unit was provided to Kodak Corporation by Hasselblad for testing digital back, then Kodak discontinued the digital back. This camera is still in box, never used, no film has ever been loaded into the magazine. I have the unregistered Warranty paper. You can verify with Hasselblad given them the S/N of the body, and they can tell you that this unit was recorded as Kodak Corporation.


I also have a 503CW body, brand NEW, Warranty papers, never registered, bought from TMPromotions on ebay.


The reason why I have not used those 501CM and 503CW cameras is that I use Hasselblad H2 and H1D for my work, the 501CM and 503CW are just my colletion items.


If anyone is interested, you can e-mail me and make me an offer.

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