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Asleep in a camera

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A friend in a junk store sent me a Kodak Vigilant 620 with a roll of

exposed Verichrome in it. I usually have good luck with Verichrome

so I was pretty happy. I got five printable images from the roll.

Two of them really struck me and I felt that they deserved their own

little tribute. <a

href="http://westfordcomp.com/foundfilm/vigilant620/index.htm"> Let

me go back to sleep.</a>

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Mate, that is the nicest thing I've seen in ages!


You could publish a bang up little book running with that idea. Maybe you classic camera bunch could collectively do it. I know I've found old negs in charity shops, and went out of my way to contact print 'em.


I - personally - think the idea is oozing with cred, and if you don't do it, I'm gonna do it myself.


Again: really marvellous gesture, Gene. Cheers!

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Gene - It never ceases to amaze me how much old film you find lurking in cameras! The words make this so powerful, how many things happened while she was in the camera. I guess I'm even more amazed that there *are* that many cameras in junk shops with pictures still in them - vacations, parties, or just this little girl. Were those owners just not interested in their memories?
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Wendy et al - I traveled quite a bit in my life and haunted many junk/camera stores all over the world. People keep an eye out for old cameras with film in them for me. Many rolls are total failures but now and then I get lucky.<p>

There's so much mystery and a sense of sadness connected with these lost photos. Why were they forgotten ? What became of these people ? We see our own families in these forgotten images. We see how short life is. They are powerful and tell us to enjoy our lives. I get great pleasure in sharing them with all of you. I know you get the point.

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Great verse Gene. What the heck happens to all these people? Every time you send us one of these forgotton films I can't help thinking "Man, are these folks still alive? Do these children have grandchildren?" What a thing it would be if someone would write to the group someday saying "Hey!...That was ME".
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"A friend in a junk store sent me a Kodak Vigilant 620 with a roll of exposed Verichrome in it."


Yet another coincidence. First I read a post about an Ikon 515/2 and I just happened to get one of my own in the mail today. Now I read about this; and in my car I just happen to have a Kodak Vigilant 620 with a roll of Verichrome Pan in it. I'll post results when I finish the roll.


Great pics/story/poem BTW.



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Gene, up till now I?ve been a silent observer of your work. I?m one of legions, who loves to see the found photos and barns that you display frequently much to the pleasure of so many of us. The ones you showed with the young lovely girl and your poignant text have shaken me out of my silence. It has a grace that is enhanced by your well chosen words. Poetry in image and verse.


I have to confess that I am one of those strange people who has left latent images on rolls of films for many decades. What?s worse is there so many rolls in 120 and 35mm formats, including those with my two sons in their early years. They are now 52 and 44. I took so many, most of which I?ve developed and printed, but unfortunately, not all. The others, I have no idea where and when they were taken and who or what the subject matter was, some go back 35 years.


At home, I keep seeing them; they are still waiting on the cold, back burner-- a project I plan to get to one day. But now in my twilight years, I?m quite aware that for me, as for everyone, those days are limited.


So, I have an idea. For all the people that haven?t found old films in cameras and would like the excitement of taking a chance on developing old film with no idea what they will find, I will gladly send you some old film with no strings attached. Well maybe one: to scan an example of an image you developed that?s worth displaying .


All the roll film I can identify, but not all the 35 mm, because most were bulk loaded and not all have labels. The only bonus is you?ll get a re-loadable cassette. I?ll be back home by April 1st. If interested, send me your mailing address, and I?ll mail you a roll of film.


Keep showing us your fine work, Gene.


Another New Englander who cherishes the too few barns that still exist,



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