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distance meter/rangefinder


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<p>With a LF camera it easier to select the aperture needed to obtain the desired depth of field by making measurements in image space instead of in object space. You simply focus on the nearest object that you want in focus and note the focus position, then refocus on the farthest object that you want in focus and note the focus position. Next, position the standard halfway in between the two focus positions. Finally, consult a table using the distance in mm between the nearest and farthest focus positions. The table will tell you the largest aperture (smallest f-number) that will have the nearest and farthest objects that you selected in focus.</p>


<p>This image-space method works very well and is easy if you attach a mm scale to your camera. So there is no need to measure the distances to the objects that you want in focus. Instead of using an expensive optical rangefinder, you use your camera and a mm scale. And you only need one simple table, rather than a different table for every focal length lens that you have.</p>


<p>The table is built into a dial slide-rule like calculator that Rodenstock sells, or you can use a paper table, like I do. A table is

available from <a href="http://www.largeformatphotography.info/fstop.html">http://www.largeformatphotography.info/fstop.html</a>,

along with more descriptions of the method.</p>


<p>Some previous threads on this subject: <i>Depth Of Field With An "Optimiser"?</i> at <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=007stt">http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=007stt</a>

and <i>Hyperfocal distance</i> at

<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=008qjT">http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=008qjT</a>.</p>

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First off, what set up are you using? A g617? A gx617 with which lens? Or a art

panorama or other? This matters due to the distance of the closest subject matter.

But, I'll take a wild guess and say you're shooting a G617 with a fixed 105mm. This is

an easy lens and DOF to master. Here it is;


F16 @ infinity focus for thirty feet to infinity


F22 @ 10mm focus for twenty feet to infinity


F45 @ 5mm focus for ten feet to infinity


At F45 you can get away with six feet, but it might fuzz out just a little.


Regarding exact mesurements, here is waht I did before I learned how to eyeball my

distances. Take the hook end of a wire hanger and cut it off. Now tie a thirty foot

piece of string to it. Now tie little knots at ten and twenty feet. Then set up your

camera and hook the hanger hook on your tripod head and march out to your

foreground element. This will give you your focus and f stop. It's a light and quick way

to judge close distances. Soon you will be able to eyeball these distances with ease.


Hope this helps,



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I have never seen a 617 with a built in rangefinder, so I'm sure she is using a hand

held one. All 617's use LF lenses and a pretty plain focus mount. Off hand I can't

remeber if my G617 has a distance chart on it or not, I think it does. It came with a

little chart that gave you all the DOF's at all the F stops. But, with this camera, sharp

focus is at F22 so I try to shoot around that.


I think her main point is wondering how other 617 shooters gauge their distances

without doing GG verification. I like filling my foregrounds with close stuff so it's easy

for me to measure out ten or twenty feet with a string. But, if your shooting a tele lens

then the best bet is a laser rangefinder. Any golf or hunting store will have one. I don't

shoot tele yet, so I have no need for one. I'm sure the GX617 lenses have DOF charts

right on the lens. My Fotoman 617 doesn't so I am currently putting it through DOF

focus tests at various F stops with a 72MM XL mounted on it.


Talking about GG and 617, I've got to say that Fotoman has got it down with their GG.

It's got a magnatized steel frame that clicks into place. It's sick. You have to lift one

edge off slowly to release the magnatism grasp without shaking the camera, but it's

very slick. I tried using the fotoman GG on my G617 but the GG frame is to large and

does not latch onto the G617.



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