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Mamiya RB67 : WL Finder


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With my recent purchase of the RB67, I've noticed through the WL

finder under low light conditions, i.e indoors, I've difficulty

focusing. There's always a bright spot in the center to focus and the

other areas of the focusing screen is dark. Its very difficult for



Is this a common problem with RBs? Is there a solution to overcome

this problem..?

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I had a similar problem with my RB67 pro. I switched to a Beattie Bright screen and it solved the problem. I was so impressed with the view, i switched the screens on my RZ and my Bronicas. Try it. The run about $150. but they are well worth it.



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Talk with Bill about the cost, he has no website, that I know of. As for frame lines, he engraved my screen with a grid that matched the horizontal/vertical confines of the 6x7 format, plus some. And the RB itself, provides the red horizontal ones, when the back is oriented horizontally...t
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