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F100 leader modification?


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Thanks for the responses.


In terms of re-exposing film, it's never happened to me. I have another camera that

leaves the leader out after rewinding. When I take the cannister out, I simply push the

leftover leader into the cannister. Or, if I want to use it again, I would just jot down (or

remember) what the last frame was. It's such a convenience, especially when you're

travelling and have used half a roll of color and want to switch to b&w quickly.

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I didn't know it was an option to press the rewind button(s) a second time. Regardless, that's an extra step easily overlooked in the heat of battle. The few times I change roll mid-way, it's easy enough to extract the leader and write a note on it (or write on the cassette). Even then, I've forgotten to check the emulsion side for such a note once or twice. It's better to waste film not exposed, than to ruin exposed film.

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this question has been posted a lot with the exact same non-answers every time. if you can't keep track of unexposed film with a long leader vs exposed film with a short leader, maybe you should consider a less complicated hobby.


I use a leader retriever and a sharpie to mark what frame I was on. I've never become confused about which rolls are finished and which have unexposed frames, despite them looking the same when they come out of my non-lead-out N80. honestly, this is much ado about nothing.


answer: you CAN have your F100 modified. Personally I wouldn't bother, since they'll charge you money and keep your camera for a while. in my experience it's a rare enough thing that it's six of one, half dozen the other vs. a leader retriever.

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