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300/305 on Technika IV or V


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300 works fine on a Tech V and a Master Technika, I've used my 300mm Nikon M on both. I've never owned a IV but the bellows length is, AFAIK, the same length on it as on the V and Master so it should work on a IV too.


I've never checked to see how close I could focus the 300 without the back bellows but I don't remember ever needing to use that bellows to focus on anything so it must be reasonably close without it. I can't now recall the bellows extension on the Technikas without the back bellows, with the back bellows it's about 15 1/2" so I'd guess it's about 13 to 14 inches without the back bellow. 13 inches should allow you to focus to about 10-12 feet with the 300 I think, 14 should get you closer. If no one can give you better information let me know and I'll put the 300 on my Master Technika and let you know exactly how close I can focus.

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Yes, it's racked out pretty far. I think the sliding track on top of the focusing rack is fully extended and then the focusing track is out a bit as well.


But it does work. One thing to remember is that you can mount the Technika on the tripod with the mount point located in the front door/bed, instead of the regular mount on the body of the camera. '


Another thing to think about is getting a 360 mm Nikon telephoto, it should focus about where a 270 mm lens does. Probably wieghs more than a 355/f9 G-Claron, and it should be a lot less than a 360 mm f/5.6 anything.


And does anyone know if you can use the Nikon tele at 500 mm on a Technika?

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