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Different Meter Readings for Fa,A and M Lenses on PZ-1P


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Hello. I have found that I get different meter readings from using

FA,A, and M lenses on my PZ-1P camera. I even tried metering off a

gray card that filled the entire screen with the different lenses. If

I use the FA 50/1.4 then switch to an A or M lens, the A and M lens

usually indicates underexposure of 1/2 to 1 stop compared to the FA

50/1.4. Has anyone else experienced this? Thank you.



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The only thing that I can think of is, the camera may be switching from matrix (muti-zone) to center weighted or spot metering during the process. I have found the the matrix metering mode does not always agree with the others. Try restricting the camera to spot metering for all lenses and try again.
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The Pz-1p switches from matrix metering to centerweighted when a non A lens is used. If you are getting different values when this happens, than you should adjust your settings accordingly when you use a non A lens. In other words, you have to go through the process of meter calibration for each individual meter in the pz, even though it is the same camera. I have never noticed a difference in mine, but I shoot primarily black and white negative so a half a stop difference won't show itself that easily.
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