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OK, now I am 95% happy with this camera. I was able to solve the noise problem, by buying a $25

everready case. It muffles the shutter nicely. The viewfinder which I was having trouble seeing, I solved

with a -2 Nikon diopter which cost me $7. Now it is clear as a bell. An all around bitching camera. I had

tried an M4, but I prefer the ttl metering and 1/1 finder of the R3A.


The only defect apart from the noise, is the really idiotic placement of the strap eyes. The camera tilts

back at an angle and digs into your chest. Nothing that I can do about that. If I get the grip I cannot use

the case, so that is out. Perhaps lead weights in the base of the camera, inside the baseplate?


So, I have a 40mm 1.4 than can swing with any of leica's fast lenses, no problem. I would use it sooner

than the 35mm aspheric or Noktilux, especially in view of the fact that it cost $330 as opposed to well

over a grand.


The Bessa has less lagtime, memory lock and a better finder than the M7 which would set me back around

seven times the price.


If you always wanted a Leica but could not find the pennies, do not hesitate. Go plonk down your cash for

an R2a or R3A with this lens, and you will be set for life!

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No dice. I have a 40mm lens, I am not about to buy another lens, just so my camera balances

right 8 )


The case don't fix it either. Still apart from that one fault I am happy, and it only cost a small

fraction of what an M6 would, and does a lot more. Still havng said that, the M gestalt is very

well done, Cosina does not seem to have a clue about this kind of really basic stuff.

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aww come on now, everyone knows hardcore range-finder photographers hang their cameras

off their left shoulders, with the lens pointed in towards their body when they are not taking

pictures. Around the neck is sooo "Oyaji with an F6 and motordrive setup" (with a tripod

attached to his backpack).

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Hi Stephane,


That's exactly what I ended up doing tonight, after fiddling with the strap. The strap that

comes with the camera is very difficult to customise though. It is too thick and very hard to

thread through the buckles. But it's funny I ended up coming to the same conclusion as you

very quickly, and it seems like a very workable solution. Now I just need to go google what a

Lutz hook is!


Who's the new Frank?

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I found that the trigger winder helps with balance to a degree, and gives me better finger-tip handling with tiny lenses (eg 21 & 25mm). For me the side grip is only a small improvement in balance but does aid handling a bit.


Yup! camera (no erc) on left shoulder, lens inwards in a futile attempt to counterbalance the overloaded Billingham on the right side.

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Claude - that 5% can be made up by buying a 300yen wrist strap. A Bessa R3A with 40mm nokton should not be hung round your neck. It needs to be strapped to your wrist and ready for action. And don't get me started on why you should not be wrapping this beast in a case. Glad you enjoy it though (a sound purchase) and hope to see you one day on my Tokyo travels. You can see some of my Bessa work at <a href="http://www.akikana.com">akikana.com</a>. All photographs on my site taken with same set up as yours.
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It looked like you were having a blast with it. Since the time we met, I have kind of given up

on 35mm film, shooting mainly digital, and playing around with 67 and 66. I have no idea

what posessed me to buy the Bessa, but I am glad I did.


I've been meaning to look you up. Look forward to meeting up and doing a bit of

reconnaisance of Tokyo with you some time.

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Nah Joel, it's bitching because it takes up where the Leica left off. As has been said before,

there is a real niche for a "VolksLeica." To really succeed in the market place you need to

make plenty of items that people can afford. Take a look at Toyota, Microsoft, etc. Bill

Gates is rich because he makes a useful item anyone can afford. Leica ought to do have

done the same, but because it is a luxury item, it is always riding the brink. As soon as

people's incomes decline luxury items are the first to go.


That's what I love about the Bessa. I have a camera that cost me about $700 bucks. An M7

with a 35mm or 50mm Summilux, which is what the R3A and 40mm nokton is equivalent

to, would be in the region of what, $4000 or maybe less if you got a good deal on them

used, but even then, it would still be around $3500. That is five times what I paid.


A camera is a tool, that's all. It should be practical and affordable. Why cater to such an

exclusive market?


My only regret is that I much prefer European industrial design to Japanese industrial

design. The Japanese are constantly churning out products that are plastic, shiny, and

often, as in the case of the misplaced straps on the bessa, for which you can find plenty of

complaints (they are to all intents and purposes useless), inhumane from an ergonomic

point of view.


I guess the best solution, and what I personally would like to see would be a European

manufactured solution similar to the bessa. The Japanese are bloody smart, they do not

price themselves out of the market. It's really too bad that there the Japanese have the

camera market to themselves. Some variety would be a good thing for everyone.


Take the Swatch for example. It single handedly revived the Swiss watch industry. There is

a place for a Swatch like Leica. Why not? Cameras are obviously money makers. It's a

complete mystery to me why Europe and America do not even bother to compete.

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